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Some people think that only students with the best academic results should be rewarded, while others think we should reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
奖励最优的理由是什么?因为可以鼓励竞争e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e58685e5aeb9361(encourage a sense of competition),而竞争的话题咱们之前考过很多次,也写过很多次。优秀学生能够给其他学生树立榜样(set a good example),能够激励其他学生刻苦学习(become an incentive for students to study hard)。
奖励进步的理由是什么?因为可以避免竞争,竞争的弊端咱们不也写过么?会导致学生的压力,不利于心理健康(psychological health)。此外,考试考第一的只能有一个人,但是每个人都可以有进步。如果我们奖励的是进步的学生,那么即使是最差的学生也愿意去改变自己(have the motivation to change),这才是对待学习的正确态度(a positive attitude to study)。
最后一段个人观点写到了教育的本质:让每个人都开发自己的潜力(tap the students’ potential),每个人都发挥自己的才能develop their talents。人生不是去和别人竞争,而是和自己竞争,是一个不断完善自我的过程(a journey of self-improvement)。
Traditionally, the school would reward top students with the highest scores or best performance, but some people believe that the reward should be granted to students who have made considerable progress In this essay, I will discuss this issue from both sides.
It is quite reasonable to reward those excellent students because they deserve the prize. The number of prizes is limited, so they should be given to those really outstanding students. This would encourage a sense of competition between students, as they know they need to become the best to get recognized by other people. The top students would set a good example for other students and the award would become an incentive for students to study hard and excel in their study.
However, some people believe the competition between children may lead to pressure, which is not good for children's psychological health. It is impossible for everyone to take the first place in an exam, so the reward system should be revised. If we can reward those students who show obvious progress in their study and behavior, even the “worst” student would have the motivation to change, and this would help students develop a positive attitude to study and life.
In my opinion, the purpose of education is to tap the students potential and create an environment in which every student can fully develop their talents In this sense, it is more important to praise and reward students who have made improvement than those who are the best. Teachers and parents should make children understand that life is not a competition with others, but a jouney of self-improvement.



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