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personal details resume number: 298798502 updating date: 2011-01-01 08:00:00 photo name: miss. lily. xu nationality: china (mainland) current place: guangzhou height/weight: 158 cm 53 kg marital status: single age: 32 years career objective and work experience application type: jobseeker preferred job title: trade/import-export: merchandizer 、 sales/marketing: sales manager 、 foreign language: translator working life: 10 title: no title job type: full time expected start date: in a week expected salary: ¥7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e3393,000--¥5,500 preferred working place: guangzhou dongguan foshan work experience : company's name: kismet internationalbegin and end date: 2008-10-2010-03 enterprise nature: soly foreign funded enterprisesindustry: business service job title: merchandiser and interpreter job description: search factories for special products and ask quotation, find the best supplier for customer. accompanying customer visit factory, whole sale market, interpreting, price negotiation, make contract, follow order, make foreign trading documents, make goods inspection, make payment, arrange shipment etc. reasons for leaving: influence by financial crisis company's name: jin xin bao electronic co., ltdbegin and end date: 2009-04-2009-10 enterprise nature: private enterprisesindustry: electrical/electronics/communication equipment job title: translator job description: translate complicated technology documents, european standards, product description, and assist sales manager doing business. reasons for leaving: want to get development company's name: evershine creations inc.begin and end date: 2002-06-2005-01 enterprise nature: private enterprisesindustry: business service job title: international trade specialist job description: business field: jewelry, hair accessory, bag, belt, scarf, wallet, hat etc.


  • 商务英语的英文简历怎么写

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 个人性格爱好特长,执行能力,学习能力比较强,专业基础强,自信正能量等方面。可以看下领贤网这个网上随便就能找到了。personal details resume number: 298798502 updating date: 2011-01-01 08:
  • 英文简历怎么写

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • 1.名字英文简历中,中文名字通常都是用汉语拼音。主要有下面几种写法,都有可适用的场合。例:<1>yangli<李阳><2>yangli<3>li,yang<4>liyang建议大家用“yangli<李阳>”这种写法。名前姓后、全
  • 英文简历范文

  • 158文章网范文示例
  • Jingyuan Cheng23 Guangming Road,Apt. 707Zhongshan 52840290760)e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e58685e5aeb9364 6643286ObjectiveTo obtain a responsible position


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