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今天小编给各位分享四级英语作文预测的知识,文中也会对其通过2018.6四级作文,权威预测第二篇,独立的重要性和在线等《独立思考的重要性》 英文作文,150字等多篇文章进行知识讲解,如果文章内容对您有帮助,别忘了关注本站,现在进入正文!

  • 2018.6四级作文,权威预测第二篇,独立的重要性
  • 在线等《独立思考的重要性》 英文作文,150字
  • 独立思考的重要性,怎样独立思考的英语作文
  • 求一篇关于孩子独立的重要性的英语作文
  • 一、2018.6四级作文,权威预测第二篇,独立的重要性







    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of what is depicted in the picture and then focus on the topic about being independent and explain why it is important for young people to be independent. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

    All of my professors told me that the best way to succeed is to do

    something you love. What I love is to be with you and mum at home.


    The cartoon depicts a conversation between a father and his son in which the son says “All of my professors...with you and mum.” Obviously, the cartoon reveals in a humorous way the importance of being independent of our parents.

    On the one hand, being independent of our parents is a sign of becoming mature. We are no longer little kids and our parents are getting older day by day. Just as a baby hawk will have to leave its nest after it grows up, young people have to leave their home and become independent of their parents. It is a natural way that we grow up but it is independence that symbolizes we are mature enough.

    On the other hand, independence helps us adapt to the realistic society. Sooner or later well have to leave school and pursue our own career. We have to make our own life choice and cope with all the problems that we encounter on our own. Therefore, being independent contributes to adjusting ourselves to social life.

    In a word, independence is of great importance to every young people.

    一、在线等《独立思考的重要性》 英文作文,150字

    《独立思考的重要性》 英文作文如下:

    Imagine a stranger approaches you one day and says: “I can make you rich if you do what I say.”

    Would you immediately follow his instructions, or start asking questions?

    Most likely, you would request some evidence from the stranger to prove his claims.

    By asking questions, you're using a skill called “critical thinking.”


    Critical thinking refers to a special technique that helps you evaluate and judge information.

    With this skill, you can form your own opinions and make your own decisions. In short, you can think for yourself.


    Living in the information age, we receive all kind of information every day.

    Some comes from people or sources we know and trust.

    But much of it comes from less credible sources Web sites, advertisements, television.

    Critical thinking helps us determine whether this information is reliable or not.


    Let's use an example to illustrate critical thinking. Imagine you're deciding whether to further your education or not.

    On a college Web site, you read: “The higher your education, the more likely you will be to succeed.”

    How would a critical thinker react to this statement?








    In our modern society, the concept of independent thought is fast becoming obsolete. These days, anyone unsure of what to think about a certain issue can simply go online or turn on the television and a host of bloggers, pundits, and analysts are ready and willing to tell them where they should stand on an important topic. Although the Internet has made sharing one’s opinion much easier, it is also making it increasingly difficult to think for one’s self. The old fashion way of forming an opinion, by examining the facts and shaping an opinion from them, is under fire from a news media that wants to tell us not only what is happening but how we should feel about the unfolding events. Now more than ever, the ability to think for one’s self is an important skill and realize the importance of doing so.
    The ability to think for one’s self is becoming a lost art today. Too many people take the easy way out and simply allow the majority to do their thinking for them. But thinking for one’s self has little to do with always going against the majority. Whether you side with the majority or not is less important than how you decided whom to side with. As long as you arrive at the conclusion by yourself and don’t allow yourself to be influenced by others, you are making the right decision. Aristotle once said “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”


    As we all know,self-tought is becoming more and more important ,just as the same implies,self-tought means that you teach yourself without asking help from your classmates or teachers.Everyone should own this kind of ability because classmates or teachers are not always be there when you need help.As information is more and more accessible for example the newspaper,TV,computer will provide us with various information to meet our needs.
    to educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. .



    • 2019年6月四六级作文预测及范文

    • 158文章网范文示例
    • 今天小编给各位分享四级英语作文预测的知识,文中也会对其通过2019年6月四六级作文预测及范文和2018年四六级作文翻译预测出题方向等多篇文章进行知识讲解,如果文章内容对您有帮
