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  • 上海市储能中学七年级(上)期中英语试卷(含答案)
  • 初一期中考试
  • 初一上英语期中试卷
  • 初一上册英语试卷(要有答案)
  • 一、上海市储能中学七年级(上)期中英语试卷(含答案)







    Unite One Topic One测试题

    Name______________ Mark_____________
    I 按要求默写字母(30分)



    1. C 2. j 3. g 4. m
    5. D 6. I 7. G 8. e
    9. F 10. k 11. O 12. N
    13. W 14. U 15. L 16. f
    17. Q 18. J 19. x 20. t
    II 连词成句并正确书写并标上标点符号(10分)
    1. I’m , Kangkang

    2. China, to, thanks, welcome

    3. do, how, do, you

    4. afternoon , good , Wang , Mr.

    5.is , Jane , this ,

    ( )1. 下列字母中,全是元音字母的是____•
    A. A;B;C B. A;0;Y C. I;E;O
    ( )2.世界贸易组织
    A. WWO B. WTO C. WOT
    ( )3.英语字母中有 个辅音字母。
    A. 21 B. 26 C. 28
    ( )4.公共厕所
    A. WW B. WP C.WW
    ( )5. I am 的缩写形式是 。
    A. im ; B. I’m ; C. Im ;
    ( )6. F的第一笔是 。
    A. — B. │ C. ┌
    ( )7. E 的第一笔是 。
    A.∟ B. │ C. —

    ( )8.从字母A~N中的元音字母是 。
    A. A、E、I B. N、I C. G、H
    ( )9. .从字母P~Z中的元音字母是 。
    A. Y B. W、Y C. U
    ( )10.英语句子开头第一个单词的 个字母 。
    A. 第一;大写 B. 第二;大写 C. 第一;小写
    ( )11. Welcome to China.___________
    A.Thank you B. I’m nine. C. I’m Meimei.
    ( ) 1⒉ “Hello! Good morning!” “_____________”
    A.Hi! Good morning. B. Good. C. How do you do?
    ( )1⒊ “How are you?” “_____________”
    A. Fine, thanks. B. Hello. C. How are you, Lin Tao?
    ( )1⒋ “____________, Li Lei. ” “Nice to meet you, too.”
    A. How are you B. Thank you C. Nice to meet you
    ( )1⒌ —“_____________”
    —“I’m fine. And you?”
    A.Hello! Mr Lee B. How are you? C. How do you do?
    ( )1⒍ ____ you Maria?
    A. are B. Are C. Is
    ( )17. _______my mom.
    A. This is B. This's C. this is

    ( )1⒏ See you. later .__________
    A. Meet you. B. Thank you. C. See you.
    ( )1⒐ “Hello!” “____”
    A. Thanks you. B. Hello! C. Oh!
    ( ) 20. I ____ Kangkang.
    A. is B. are C. am
    ( )21. Welcome _______ China!
    A. for B. to C. in
    ( )22. —Are you Li Weikang?
    A. Yes, I'm. B. No,I'm.
    C. Yes,I am. D. No,I am
    ( )23.在书写英语句子时,应使单词与单词之间的距离相隔 个字母的距离。
    A. 一 B. 二 C. 三
    ( )24.占三格的小写字母有 。
    A. f j p B. f g y C. f g p
    ( )25. is my uncle .
    A. mr Zhang B. Zhang Mr C. Mr Zhang

    IV 选词填空(注意大小写) (10分)
    nice let’s yes this how fine thank thanks too are
    ⒈ Hello! I’m Kangkang. __ you Michael?
    ⒉ ___ to meet you!
    ⒊ ____ begin!
    ⒋ Are you Jane? ___________ , I am.
    ⒌ Mom, ___ is my teacher, Mr Long.
    ⒍ “ ____ are you?”
    “I’m ____ . ____ you.”
    ⒎ “Nice to see you, _______________.”
    ⒏ “How are you?” “Fine, . And you?”
    V口语交际 (10分)

    (A) (B)
    ( )⒈ Good afternoon! A. Bye!
    ( )⒉ How are you? B. Nice to meet you, too.
    ( )⒊ Sit down, please! C. Thank you.
    ( )⒋ Nice to meet you! D. Good afternoon!
    ( )⒌ Goodbye! E. I’m OK. Thanks
    VI.用am, is, are 的适当形式填空(5分)。
    1. —_______you Michael?
    —Yes, I .
    2. —How _______ you?
    —I _______fine.
    3. This _______ my friend, Tom.






    Class No. Name Mark



    A B C D E

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
    A. Thanks.
    B. No,it isn’t mine.
    C. My good friend, David.
    D. It is Li Kang’s.
    E. She is tall and has big eyes.
    ( )11、What color is Peter’s coat?.
    A. White. B. Brown. C. Red.
    ( )12、What color is Jim’s coat?
    A. White. B. Brown. C. Red.
    ( )13、Whose coat is red?.
    A. Jim’s B. Peter’s C. Jenny’s
    ( )14、What’s on the girl’s coat?
    A. Her name. B. English letters. C. Some numbers.
    ( )15、Where is the girl’s coat?
    A. In the desk . B. In the box . C. In the bag.
    Good morning. My name is Jane. This is my good 16 ,Maria. We are from the same city, New York. We are in the same 17 ,too. Mr,Hu is our English teacher. He is very nice. Look, here is a 18 . Who are they? The 19 in the middle is Mr.Hu. And the girl in
    20 is me. Maria is in a yellow dress.

    ( )1、His hair________short, but his eyes________very big.
    A. are; are B. is; are C. are; is D. is; is
    ( )2、Lily and Susan ______long hair, and Lily ______a wide mouth. But Susan _____a small mouth.
    A. has; has; has B.have; has; has;
    C. has; have; have D. have; have; have
    ( )3、He is in Grade 7, but she is in Grade 8.They are in __________.
    A.different grade B. the different grade
    C. different grades D.the different grades
    ( )4、--_______she ______a sister? --No, she doesn’t.
    A.Do; have B.Do; has C.Does; has D.Does; have
    ( )5、They_________England. They are English.
    A. is from B.be from C. come from D.am from
    ( )6、Mr.Lin __________an English car now.
    A. doesn’t has B. don’t has C. doesn’t have D. don’t have
    ( )7、--What color_______her eyes?
    --They are brown.
    A. am B. is C. are D. be
    ( )8、What_______blue and yellow?
    A. are B. is C. am D.be
    ( )9、Please give this book__________Miss Lee.
    A. to B. with C. at D. from
    ( )10、The woman______blue is Mr. Wang.
    A. in a B. in C. with a D. with

    ( )11、-- _______________________?
    --She has black hair and black eyes.
    A.How is she B. Who is she
    C. What does she look like D. Where’s she from
    ( )12、________eraser is this?
    A. Who B.Whose C. Where D. How
    ( )13、Does the girl____________her mom?
    A. look like B. look at C. look the same D. different looks
    ( )14、---Whose room(房间)is this?
    ---It’s _____________.
    A.Lily and Lucy B. Lily’s and Lucy’s
    C. Lily and Lucy’s D. Lily’s and lucy
    ( )15、These three_______are my dad’s(爸爸的)od friends.
    A. man B.men C.girl D.boy
    ( )16、_______are in Grade Two. We are classmates.
    A. I and he B. I and you C. She and you D. He and I
    ( )17、Please________the photo red.
    A. color B. look C. give D. has
    ( )18、Can you find____________?
    A. him B. he C. she D. his
    ( )19、-- Thank you.
    A. Don’t thank you B. You are welcome C. That’s OK D. B and C
    ( )20、I have a car. It’s .
    A.my B.mine C.me D. I
    ( )1.Do they have a pen ? A.It’s orange.
    ( )2.Are those apples ? B.Yes, it’s mine.
    ( )3.What’s red and yellow ? C.No, they don’t.
    ( )4.What color are your shoes ? D.They’re orange.
    ( )5.What does Steve look like ? E.He comes from Beijing.
    ( )6.Where does he come from ? F.No, they aren’t.
    ( )7.Does she have a long nose ? G.It’s in Fujian.
    ( )8.Please give the apple to Tina. H.OK, I’ll give it to him.
    ( )9.Where’s Fuzhou ? I.He’s shrot.
    ( )10.Is this photo yours ? J.Yes, she does.
    A:Excuse me , 1
    B:Let me have a look(看一看). 2 I think it’s Li Ming’s.
    A:Li Ming, is this shirt yours ?
    C: 3
    A:It’s gray.
    C: 4
    A:Here you are(给你).
    C: 5
    I 1 a boy. I’ m thirteen 2 old. I come 3 England. I’m a student. I have a round face, a big nose, a small mouth 4 small eyes. I have a sister. 5 name is Amy. She is twelve. She is a student, 6 . My sister and I look different. She 7 a round face ,a small nose, a small mouth and big eyes . We are 8 the same 9 . 10 in different grades. We have a nice house and a happy family.
    ( )1.A.am B.is C. are D. he
    ( )2.A.year B.years C. year’s D. years’
    ( )3.A.in B.at C.on D.from
    ( )4.A.with B.but C.and D.from
    ( )5.A.She B.She’s C.Her D.His
    ( )6.A.two B.too C.only D.and
    ( )7.A.have B.is C.does D.has
    ( )8.A.at B.from C.in D.on
    ( )9.A.school B.schooles C.a school D.schools
    ( )10.A.only B.and C.but D.with
    I have three good friends,Tony,Yukio and Ted.They are of the same age(同样的年龄)。They come from different countries(国家)and have different looks.Tony comes from Cuba.He has gray hair and black skin(皮肤).Yukio is from Japan. His hair is black. His skin is the same as Chinese , yellow skin. Ted is from Canada. He has white skin, blond hair and blue eyes. I come from China. I have black hair and black eyes. My skin is the same as Yukio. We are from different countries. We have different looks, but we are friends.
    ( )1.Tony, Yukio and Kangkang are my good friends.
    ( )2.Tony has gray hair and yellow skin.
    ( )3.Ted has while skin and he comes from Canada.
    ( )4.These four boys come from the same country.
    ( )5.I have black hair and yellow skin.
    This is Maria’s family. They are English. Now, they are in China. The man in a blue shirt is Maria’s father(父亲). He is a teacher of English. The woman(女人)in a red shirt is her mom. The girl in a pink shirt is Maria. Maria is a student. She has a nice house and a happy family.
    ( )1.Where are they from?
    A.China B.England C.the USA
    ( )2.Are they in China now?
    A.Yes,they are. B.No,they aren’t C. Yes,they do.
    ( )3.Maria’s mom is in a shirt.
    A.red B.pink C.blue
    ( )4. Maria’s father is a .
    A.student B.teacher C.girl
    ( )5.Maria has a family.
    A.big B.nice C.happy

    1. look, please

    2.my , favorite ,movie star ,


    3.Jane, long blond hair


    4.are, these, his


    5.Xiaohong, gray, coat





    lake, fat, cake, make, Ann, gate, dad, map, face, fax
    1.[ei]______ ______ ______ ______ ______
    2.[æ]______ ______ ______ ______ ______

    1.n_ne 2.thr__ __ 3.y__s 4.s__v__n 5.ei__ __t
    6.n__t 7.t__n 8.f__ve 9.__ld 10.pl__ __se

    1.Where __is____ Ann? She __is____ here.
    2.How old ___are___ you? I __are___ thirteen.
    3.______ you Mr Read? Yes, I ______.
    4.What ______ your name? My name ______ Fang Fang.
    5.What grade ______ you in? I ______ in Grade Two.

    1.哪个班 2.三年级 3.多大了
    4.你的名字 5.宋小姐 6.in Row5
    7.Number 12 8.See you.
    9.your teacher 10.That’s all right.

    1.______ you in Class 6?
    A.Are B.Is C.Am D.Can
    2.How are you?______.
    A.Thank you B.That’s all right C.I’m fine D.Yes, I am
    3.What’s this? ______.
    A.This is Jim B.It’s here C.It’s Kate D.It’s “W”
    4.Can you spell ______ name?
    A.you B.your C.I D.Ann
    5.What’s this? It’s_____________.
    A.pencil B.a Pensil C.a pencil
    6.How are you ? Fine,_______you.
    A.think B.thank C.thanks
    7.What’s this__________? It’s a map.
    A.in english B.In English C.in English
    8.____________.Are you Liu Hai?
    A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Thank you
    9.—Are you Li Lei? No, I’m not.
    A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Thank you
    10.____________? It’s here.
    A.What is "A"? B.This is "A" C.Wherre is "A"
    11.Bob,this is Wei Lan.______.
    A.Yes, I am B.No, I’m not C.Wei Lan, this is Bob D.Hi
    12.What class ______ in?
    A.you are B.are you C.your are D.are your
    13.I'm ______ Class Three, Grade One.
    A.in B.and C.to D.a
    14.— What's five ______ four?
    —It's nine.
    A.to B.and C.are D.is
    15.He is in ______.
    A.Two Row B.two row C.Row Two D.row two
    16.Nice ______ you.
    A.meet B.to C.to meet D.and meet
    17.— What's this in English?
    — ______ a map.
    A.Its B.It's C.It D.Its'
    18.— ______ you eleven?
    — Yes, I ______.
    A.Is ...are B.Are ...are C.Is ...am D.Are ...am
    19.— Are you in Grade Two?
    — _________________.
    A.No, I'm not B.Yes, I'm not. C.yes, I am D.No, I am
    20.This is ______ English book.
    A.a B.an C.the D./
    21.I'm not ______.
    A.Li Hong B.a Li Hong C.an Li Hong D.the Li Hong
    22.What ______ that?
    A.am B.is C.are D.a
    23.It's ______.
    A.clock B.an clock C.a clock D.clocks
    24.______ a clock?
    A.This is B.It is C.Is this D.It's
    25.—What's ______ this?
    —It's ______ egg.
    A.an...an B./...an C.a...the D./...a
    26.—Is that your pen?
    —______, it isn't.
    A.No B.Yes C.OK D.Fine
    27.— ______?
    — Yes, it is.
    A.What's this in English B.What's seven and eight
    C.Is it a clock D.Are you ten
    28.—What's three and four?
    — ______.
    A.They're seven B.No, it's six C.It's eight D.It's seven

    六、用英语写出下列算式(10%)1.3+2=5 ? .
    2.6+4=10 ? .
    3.5+8=13 ? .
    4.12-1=11 ? .
    5.14-14=0 ? .

    Name姓名:Li Ping Sex性别:boy Age年龄:11
    Number:15 Row:5 Class:4 Grade:1 Tel电话:62376845
    1. ?My name is Li Ping.
    2. ? 11.
    3. ? ______ Row ______.
    4. ? ______ in Class ______, ______ 1.
    5. ? ______ 15.
    6.What’s your telephone number(电话号码)?_________________________________________.

    1.Han meimei, name,my,is__________________________.
    2.name, what, is ,please, your _________________________?
    3.can, it ,you,spell, pleaes _______________________?
    4.teacher, my ,is ,this _________________________.

    九、情景反应 5%
    1.初次见面时, 你应该说: ______
    A.Excuse me! B.I'm OK. C.How do you do? D.Thank you.
    2.如果有人对你说 Good afternoon! 你应该说: ______
    A.Good morning! B.Good afternoon! C.OK. D.Goodbye!
    3.如果你想表示歉意时, 你应该说: ______
    A.Sorry. B.Thank you. C.Oh, good! D.How are you?
    4.如果有人手里拿着一只钢笔对你说 What's this in English?
    你应该回答: ______
    A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn't C.Yes, it's a pen. D.It's a pen.
    5.如果要打扰对方时, 你应该说: ______
    A.Thank you. B.Excuse me! C.How are you? D.What's your name?

    十、用英语写出下列短语 10%
    1.一把尺子________________ 2.一个铅笔盒______________
    3.一张地图________________ 4.一支铅笔________________
    5.一块蛋糕________________ 6.一个苹果________________
    7.一个桔子________________ 8.一个鸡蛋________________
    9.一辆中国小汽车__________ 10.一辆英国小汽车_________

    十一、选择划线部分的正确释义 5%
    1.What's this in English?
    A.在英语里 B.在英国 C.用英语 (说)
    2.How are you?
    A.你好啊? B.你 (身体) 好吗? C.你多大了?
    3.How old are you?
    A.多大 (年纪) B.多久 C.怎样、如何
    4.How do you do?
    A.你怎样做? B.你好! C.你多大?
    5.Nice to meet you!
    A.你真好! B.我很好! C.见到你很高兴!

    A.e ..sh B.E ..ch C.E ..sh
    A.ok B.ock C.oc
    A.o ..i B.o ..a C.a ..e
    A.u B.o C.oo
    A.a ..le B.a ..l C.e ..le


    一、1.lake cake make gate face
    2.fat Ann dad map fax

    二、1.nine 2.three 3.yes 4.seven 5.eight 6.not 7.ten 8.five 9.old 10.please

    三、1.is is 2.are am 3.Are am 4.is is 5.are am

    四、1.what class 2.Grade Three 3.how old 4.your name 5.Miss Song
    6.在5排 7.第12号 8.再见 9.你的老师 10.没关系

    五、1-5 ACDBC 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 CBDAB
    16-20CBDAB 21-25 ABCCB 26-28ACD

    六、1. What’s three plus/and two ? It’s five.
    2. What’s six plus/and four ? It’s ten.
    3. What’s five plus/and eight? It’sthirteen.
    4. What’s twelve minus one? It’s eleven.
    5. What’s fourteen minus fourteen ? It’s zero.

    七、1. What’s your name ?
    2. How old are you? I’m
    3. What row are you in ?I’m in /In Five
    4. What classs are you in ? I’m in Class 4 Grade 1.
    5. What’s your number? I’m Number.
    6. It’s 62376845.

    八、1. My name is Han Meimei.
    2. What’s your name please?
    3. Can you spell it please?
    4. This is my teacher.

    九、1-5 CBADB
    十、1.a ruler 2.a pencil-box 3.a map 4.a pencil 5.a cake
    6.an apple 7.an orange 8.an egg 9.a Chinese car 10. an English car

    十一、1-5 CBABC

    十二、1-5 CBBCA



