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  • 2021-2022学年广东省广州十七中七年级(上)期中英语试卷
  • 初一期中考试
  • 七年级上册英语考试卷(人教版)
  • 七年级上册英语期中试卷
  • 一、2021-2022学年广东省广州十七中七年级(上)期中英语试卷


























    6. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, he is.

    7. A. She is my mother. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I'm not.

    8. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I'm not.

    9. A. Yes, it is. B. It's a car. C. It's Chinese.
    10. A. Nine. B. Ten. C. Eleven.


    11. A. Nancy likes French fries.

    B. Nancy doesn't like French fries.

    C. Nancy likes ice cream.

    D. Nancy doesn't like ice cream.

    12. A. It's a photo of Mary's father and mother.

    B. It's a photo of Mary's grandfather and grandmother.

    C. It's a photo of Mary's brothers.

    D. It's a photo of Mary's sisters.

    13. A. Rose has a short ruler.

    B. Rose has a long ruler.

    C. The boy has a long ruler.

    D. Rose doesn't have a long ruler.

    14. A. Alice is under the table.

    B. The cap is on the table.

    C. The cap is under the table.

    D. Alice has a cap.

    15. A. Amy likes to play basketball.

    B. Amy likes to play soccer.

    C. Amy doesn't like to play basketball.

    D. Amy doesn't like to play soccer.


    . Is Tang Lin a Chinese boy?

    A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. Yes, she is.

    17. How old is Jim?

    A. 12. B. 11. C. 10.

    18. Which school is Jim in?

    A. No.4 Middle School. B. No.14 Middle School. C. No.13 Middle School.

    19. Who is Miss Wei?

    A. She is an English teacher.

    B. She is a Chinese teacher.

    C. She is a good English teacher.

    20. Which class is Li lei in?

    A. Class One. B. Class Two. C. Class Three.



    1. --- Where's my book, please?

    --- ________, I don' t know.

    A. Sorry B. Thanks C. No D. Excuse me

    2. --- Your pictures are very nice.

    --- ___________.

    A. You are right B. Thank you C. You are OK D. That's OK

    3. --- Where is my soccer ball?

    --- It' s ______ the table ______the floor.

    A. on, under B. on, on C. under, under D. under, on

    4. “I” ________ a word (单词) and a letter (字母).

    A. be B. is C. am D. are

    5. --- What about playing basketball after class?

    --- ______________.

    A. Thank you B. That's all right C. Sounds great D. Yes, it's boring

    6. I like _______ because they're funny.

    A. comedy B. the comedy

    C. a comedy D. comedies

    7. --- Are these your English books?

    --- Yes, ________.

    A. they're B. they are C. these are D. they're not

    8. Can you_______ a key to school______me?

    A. take, to B. need, to C. bring, for D. give, for

    9. My mother likes volleyball. She thinks (认为) it is _______.

    A. fun B. boring C. difficult D. hard

    10. Mary likes sports very much and she plays sports _______.

    A. everyday B. an every day C. every day D. every days

    11. Let's _______ together.

    A. play tennis B. play the tennis C. to play tennis D. to play the tennis

    12. --- Does Tom _______ an eraser?

    --- No. He ______have one.

    A. have, don't B. have, doesn't C. has, don't D. has, doesn't

    13. Sue ______ sports every day.

    A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play

    14. The picture is the wall.

    A. on B. in C. at D. to

    15. The ruler on the bed. It’s on the floor.

    A .is B. are C. not D. isn't

    16. --- Can you spell your name, please?

    --- Yes, I .

    A. do B. can C. can't D. am

    17. Beth isn't my sister. my cousin.

    A. His B. Her C. She's D. He's

    18. --- Is this your bike?

    --- No, . It's bike.

    A. this isn't, Li Lei's B. this is, Li Lei's

    C. it isn't, Li Lei's D. it is, Li Lei's

    19. --- Bob, is this jacket?

    --- Yes, is yellow.

    A. you, it B. your, it C. your, its D. his, its

    20. --- Is Gina Miller your friend?

    --- Yes, .

    A. it is B. he is C. you are D. she is


    21. Bob is my friend. His t number is 398-9293.

    22. Kate doesn't play basketball. She only w them on TV.

    23. Boys and girls, please look up (查阅) this word in your d .

    24. Volleyball is so d . I can't play it.

    25. Work in pairs. Practice (练习) the four c with your partners.


    26. Jim plays soccer after school. (改为否定句)

    Jim __________ ___________ soccer after school.

    27. The students are at school. (对画线部分提问)

    _______ _______ the students?

    28. Those are his sisters. (改为单数句)

    _____ _____ his _______.

    29. He has a very nice watch.(改为一般疑问句)

    he a very nice watch?

    30. Here is my family photo. (改写同义句)

    Here is photo .

    31. We play volleyball. (用Let's引导句型)



    A: Let's play basketball, Jenny.

    B: Sorry.(32)_____ I just like computer games.

    A: Do you have a computer game?


    A: Does your sister have a computer game?


    A: OK. Why don't we have something to eat first and then play computer games together?

    B: Good idea!

    A: What do you like to eat?



    B: She likes ice cream best.


    This is our classroom. 37 a big room. There are some pictures on the 38 . I sit 39 the window. There 40 forty small desks and chairs in 41 room. The desks and chairs 42 new. This is my desk. There 43 an English book and a pencil case on 44 . There are some pencils, a pen 45 a ruler in 46 .

    37. A. This is B. These are C. It's D. Its

    38. A. walls B. chairs C. desks D. floor

    39. A. in B. from C. under D. next to

    40. A. have B. has C. are D. is

    41. A. a B. one C. that D. the

    42. A. are all B. all are C. are too D. too are

    43. A. is B. are C. has D. have

    44. A. this B. that C. desk D. it

    45. A. or B. and C. with D. but

    46. A. them B. it C. that D. the pencil case

    六. 阅读理解。 (20分)


    We have two new students in our school. They are Mike and Kate. They look the same, but they are not twins.

    Kate is American. She's twelve. She is in Class Four. She has a little sister. She often looks after (照顾) her.

    Mike is English. He is twelve, too. He is in Class One. He likes football. Mike and Kate are good friends. They are both in No. 20 Middle School.

    47. Kate is .

    A. Japanese B. Chinese C. English D. American

    48. Mike Kate.

    A. looks like B. looks after C. looks at D .looks

    49. Kate and Mike are in .

    A. the same class B. different classes

    C. different schools D. different grades

    50. Mike likes .

    A. bird B. cat C. football D. basketball

    51. Which is right?

    A. Kate is thirteen.

    B. Kate and Mike are good friends.

    C. Mike often looks after his little sister.

    D. Kate and Mike are twins.


    Sonia Hall is a schoolgirl. She doesn't like math. She thinks it is difficult and boring. But she likes sports very much. There are many sports clubs in her school. She joins the basketball club, the soccer club, the baseball club, and more. She thinks it is very interesting to play all kinds of ball games. Sonia also thinks it is fun to collect sports things. She has a great sports collection. She has five baseballs, eight basketballs, four tennis rackets, and three soccer balls. She plays sports every day. She also likes watching matches (比赛) on TV.

    She wants to be a sportswoman in the future (将来).

    52. Sonia likes ________, but she doesn't like __________.

    53. She has a ________ sports collection.

    54. She often watches ________ on TV.

    55. She thinks is more difficult than(比……更难)sports.

    七、书面表达。 ( 15分)


    Hello, boys and girls, 晃晃脑袋热热身,竖起耳朵,来攻克难关吧。


    1. A. table B. name C. class D game

    2. A. pen B. desk C. please D. bed

    3. A. sit B. fine C. twelve D. five

    4. A. hello B. OK C. how D. zero

    5. A. computer B. excuse C. ruler D. you



    11. A. It's a ring. B. This is a case. C. That's a ruler.

    12. A. It's yellow. B. It's my baseball. C. It's on the chair.

    13. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I don't. C. I have one.

    14. A. My mother. B. My uncle. C. My cousin.

    15. A. That sounds fun. B. It's a soccer ball. C. They're boys.


    16. What's the English girl's name?

    A. Meimei. B. Linda. C.Jenny.

    17. Are the two girls students?

    A. Yes, they're. B. No, they aren't. C. Yes, they are.

    18. Who is twelve?

    A. Meimei. B. Linda. C. Jenny.

    19. What class are they in?

    A. They are in Class Nine.

    B. They are in Class Seven.

    C. They're in Class Six.

    20. What's Linda's telephone number?

    A. It's 648-9657. B. It's 256-3698. C. It's 926-3657.

    II 笔试部分(80分)


    1. --- Good morning, class!

    --- !

    A. Hello B. Good morning, Li Lei

    C. Good morning, Mr. Xiong D. Thank you

    2. --- Hello, .

    --- Hi, Lucy.

    A. Mr. Green B. Green Mr. C. Mr. Daniel D. Green Daniel

    3. --- Nice to meet you!


    A. Good morning! B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you, too! D. I'm fine.

    4. --- Can you play ?

    --- No, I can't. But I can play .

    A. the guitar; the soccer B. guitar; soccer

    C. the guitar; soccer D. guitar; the soccer

    5. --- How do you do?


    A. Fine. Thank you. B. How do you do? C. Good. D. How are you?

    6. --- Sit down, please!

    --- .

    A. Hello. B. You sit down. C. Thank you! D. OK.

    7. --- are you from?

    --- I'm from Shanghai.

    A. What B. Who C. Where D. When

    8. Kangkang and Jim from Japan.

    A. is B. are C. am D. comes

    9. --- Are you Kate?


    A. Yes, I'm. B. Yes, I am. C. I am. D. No, I am.

    10. --- is that?

    --- That's Wang Lin.

    A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which

    11. --- Do you like your school?


    A. I like. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I do.

    12. This is English book and that is Chinese book.

    A. a; a B. the; the C. a; an D. an; a

    13. --- is the pen?

    --- It's black red.

    A. What color; and B. How color; and

    C. What color; or D. How color; or

    14. The students study _____ school _____ Monday to Friday.

    A. in; on B. at; from C. in; at D. at; of

    15. Tom isn't a boy. He is an boy.

    A. Chinese; Chinese B. English; Chinese

    C. English; English D. Chinese; English

    16. Can you spell name?

    A. you B. your C. he D. him

    17. There _________a lot of fish in the water.

    A .is B. are C. have D. be

    18. --- ?

    --- Yes. W-A-T-C-H watch.

    A. Is it a watch B. Can you spell watch

    C. How do you spell watch D. He can spell watch.

    19. are my cousins, and is my brother.

    A. This; that B. These; those C. Those; that D. That; this

    20. I need some school things. Please them to school me.

    A. take; to B. B. bring; for C. take; for D, bring; of



    Look! This is a picture of Mr. Green's family. In the picture we can 21 Mr. Green, Mrs. Green, their son Jim and their 22 Susan.

    Mr. Green is sitting in a 23 . He is reading the newspaper. He is a policeman and he 24 very hard. Mrs. Green is doing housework(家务). She is a 25 in a children's 26 . Jim is a middle school student. He is reading a book. Look at the little girl. She is playing 27 her toys on the floor. She is Susan. She is very 28 and doesn't go to school. 29 is that behind Susan? It is a cat. What's the cat 30 ? It's sleeping.

    21. A. look for B. see C. look

    22. A. daughter B. mother C. sister

    23. A. taxi B. desk C. chair

    24. A. sits B. reads C. works


    1. CD的意思是
    A 英国广播公司 B 激光唱片 C 中国 篮球协会 D 硬黑
    2. .中国中央电视台的英文缩写
    3. 下列字母中含有相同元音因素的有:
    A dfh B cpv C ghk D klm
    4.—Is that ________ English map?
    —No, it’s ________ Chinese map.
    A. an;an B. an;a C. a;a D. a;an
    5..一Good morning! ---_________
    A.Thank you B.Good morning! C.Hello!
    6.What’s ________ bike number?
    A. Li Lei B. Li Lei’s C. Li Leis’ D. the Li Lei’s
    7.Jim and Lin Tao ________.
    A. is a boy B. is boy C. are boys D. are boy
    8. 一What’s your name? --________.
    A.Mary B. I’m OK. C.Thank you
    9. 一Sit down,P1ease. ---_________.
    A.I’m fine B.My name is Dale. C.Thank you
    10. This is ______ nice pen.
    A.an B.a C.one D./
    11. ---Colin,what’s this in English? ---__________.
    A.This is a pencilB.It’s a pencil C.It’s pencil D. This is pencil
    12. 一Who is the girl? 一The ______ in the blue jacket?
    一Yes. -- It’s Zhang Lei.
    A.one B.an C.a D./
    13. ---________ is that quilt? —It’s black.
    A. Which color B.How color C.What color D.What’s color
    14. 一What color is her jacket? 一It’s _______.
    A.an orange B.orange C.the orange D.a orange
    15. ____ name is Sue Read. I'm an English girl.
    A. Her   B. My   C. Your
    This 1 Jim. He is 2 friend. He is twelve. He and I 3 in the same school. I 4 eleven. I’m 5 Class 3, Grade 1.He is in Class 2, Grade 1.His mother 6 a teacher. 7 teaches English 8 my school. 9 name 10 Feng Ling.
    1.A. is B. are C. am
    2.A. me B. I C. my
    3.A. be B. are C. is
    4.A. am B. is C. are
    5.A. at B. in C. to
    6.A. am B. are C. is
    7.A. Her B. She C. He
    8.A. to B. on C. in
    9.A. Her B. She C. His
    10.A. be B. is C. are
    四. 阅读理解
    A Look! This is a picture, in this picture, you can see hills, trees and a school. You can see some boys and girls. They are at school. The school is a middle school. Ling Ling and Lan Lan are good friends. Ling Ling is twelve. Lan Lan is twelve, too. Mr Li is their teacher. He is a good teacher.
    1.In the picture, we can see birds and trees.
    2.Ling Ling and Lan Lan are at a middle school.
    3.They are twelve.
    4.We can’t see any boys and girls.
    5.Their teacher is Mr Li.
    B .Hello! I'm Ren Lijuan. R-E-N, Ren. L-I-J-U-A-N, Lijuan. I'm ten and I'm a student. I'm in Class 6, Grade 4. Lei Hao is my classmate(同班同学). He likes baseball. Miss Niu is my English teacher. She is a good teacher and we all like her.
    1. Can you spell the name Ren Lijuan?
    A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. No, she can't.
    2. How old is Ren Lijuan?
    A. He is ten. B. I'm ten. C. She is ten.
    3. What class is she in?
    A. She is Class 4. B. She is in Grade 6. C. She is in Class 6.
    4. Is Miss Niu her English teacher?
    A. She is her teacher. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she is.
    5. Does Lei Hao like baseball?
    A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. I don't know.
    C 任务型阅读
    I'm a new student here. My name is Gina. I'm twelve years old. In my family, there are six people. My grandmother, my grandfather, my mother, my father, my sister and I. I live in Beijing now. My telephone number is 535-4567.
    Fill in the blanks:
    (1)1. Gina is a ____________.
    (2)There are ____________ people in her ____________.
    (3)She lives in ______now
    (4)535-4567 is her ____________ ____________.
    1. What's this i___ English?
    2. Do you know the a_________ to this question?
    3. What's your telephone n_________?
    4. Here's my ID c________.
    5. This is a c____________ game. I like it.
    6. My ____________(学校) is new and big. My teachers are very friendly.
    7. The ________(女孩)is a student.
    8. In China, ________( 八) is a lucky (幸运的)number.
    9. How do you ________ (拼写)it?
    10. In the ________(晚上),we have dinner together.
    11. I ______( be) a girl and I like red.
    12. _______(she) name is Mary.
    13. Is it _______(you) pencil?
    14. My room is on the _______(one) floor.
    15. I have a set of _______(key).
    2. 他叫什么名字? _____ his name?
    3. 这是我的妹妹。 ____ is my ____.
    4. ——这是你的橡皮吗?——不是。
    —Is this _____ ______?
    —_______, it isn't.
    5. 那个是我的电脑游戏。 ____my computer ______.
    6. 请你给Mary打电话。 Please ____ Mary.
    7. 我的名字叫Steven. ____ ______ is Steven.
    8.它是什么颜色? What _____is it ?
    9. —那是什么?——是一把钥匙。
    —_______ that? —It's a ____________.
    10. 我是Anna, 很高兴见到你。
    I ________ Anna. Nice ______ ______you.
    七.. 按要求完成下列各句(15)
    1. —___________________________________?
    —Her name is Jane.
    2. —How are you?(回答)
    3. —___________________________________?
    4. —___________________________________?
    —It’s 0535-6241538.
    5. —___________________________________?
    —It is a watch.
    6. Can you spell “ruler”?(回答)
    7. This is my grandmother. (改否定句)
    8. This is a book.(改复数)
    9. It's his backpack. (改一般疑问句)
    10. Is he your friend?(肯定回答)
    11.Are you a student?(根据实际情况回答)
    12.My pen is black. (划线提问)
    13. 这个用英语怎么说?(翻译成英语)
    14.Nice to meet you ?(回答)
    15. Where is my key ? --- _______________(它在桌子上)
    A: Excuse  1 , is  2  your pencil?
    B: Yes, it is.
    A: Here you are.
    B: Where is your pencil case?
    A: It’s on the desk. Look  3   the pencil case.  
    B: Oh,  4 very good.
    A: Can I have a look?
    B: Yes, please.
    A: 5 .
    B: That's all right. 
    1. _______2. ______ 3. ______4. _______5. _______
    九. 书面表达

    二.1-5 BABBB 6-10 BCACB 11-15 BAABB
    三1-5 ABAB 6-10 CBCAB
    四1-5 FTTFT 6-10 BCCCA 11 student 12 six family 13 Beijing 14 telephone number
    五 1 in2 answer3. number4.card5.computer6.school7. girl8.eight9spell10evening
    11 am12Her 13your14first15keys
    六1. phone number 2. What’s 3. This sister 4 your eraser No 5That game6 call7 My name 8. school ID card 9. What’s key 10 am to meet
    七 1 What’s her name?
    2. Is it your baseball?
    3. Spell color, please.
    4. What’s your phone number?
    5 What’s this in English?
    6 Yes, R-U-L-E-R.
    7. This is not my grandmother.
    8. Is his telephone number 535-2375?
    9. Is it a backpack?
    10.Yes,he is.
    11. Yes, I am.
    12.What color is your pen?
    13.What’s that boy’s name?
    14. It’s seven.
    15. Her name is Monia.
    八.1. me 2. it 3.at 4 it’s 5



