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  • 2022上海市浦东新区进才中学北校八年级(上)期中英语试卷
  • 八年级上册英语试卷习题附带答案
  • 急求:初二上仁爱英语期中试卷
  • 2006~2007年初二上册期中测试卷及答案(语文数学英语物理)
  • 一、2022上海市浦东新区进才中学北校八年级(上)期中英语试卷





    Ⅰ. 请你帮小明复习下列单词或短语。为了方便记忆,请将下面的单词或短语按“职业、人的品质、家务活、食物和动物”归类:(每空 0.5 分,共 10 分)



      A. airline pilot B. outgoing C. violinist D. make the bed E. creative F. computer programmer G. seals H. prize I. onions J. take out the trash K. fold clothes L. walk M. yogurt N. sharks O. dolphins P. kind Q. hamburgers

      职业 人的品质 家务活 食物 动物

      Ⅱ. 选择填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

      ( ) 1. How many do we need for the salad?

      A. water B. milk C. apples

      ( ) 2. How your trip to London last vacation?

      A. is B. was C. were

      ( ) 3. Mark to be an actor when he grows up.



    Class___________ Name______________ No._______
    (总分:100分 考试时限:90分钟)

    I. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。读二遍(5分)
    ( )1. A. once B. three times C. four times
    ( )2. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday
    ( )3. A. have a good time B. have a good rest
    C. have the flu
    ( )4. A. eight B. seven C. six
    ( )5. A. clean B. healthy C. fresh

    [ ]1. A. playing football B. playing volleyball
    C. playing tennis
    [ ]2. A. Lin Tao B. Linda C. Lily
    [ ]3. A. Yes, he does. B. A doctor C. A dentist
    [ ]4. A. We must not go to crowded places.
    B. We must eat healthy food and do more exercise.
    C. A and B.
    [ ]5. A. It’s good. B. It’s bad. C. Yes, it is.

    III. 听五个对话,根据对话顺序在图画下面的括号内分别填上A、B、C、D、E五个字母。读二遍(5分)

    1.( ) 2.( )

    4.( )

    3.( )
    5.( )

    As we know, food gives us ① . We must have ② food to keep us ③ . Of course, we must also have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables but ④ meat. If we eat too little or too much food, or if we ⑤ the wrong food, it can make us sick.


    I. 用适当的词填空。(每空一词)(5分)
    1) If you play against No.1 School, we will go and __________ you on?
    2) You may get a headache when you exercise
    an empty stomach.
    3) Kangkang’s father is a doctor. He is very busy right now. He is the patients.
    4) --Would you lending your dictionary tome?
    --Not at all. Here you are.
    5) When SARS spread in Beijing, many doctors and nurses left their families and took an active part in the Against it.
    II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)
    1) Ann goes ______________ (bicycle) once a week.
    2) Maria, you look (tiring). What’s wrong?.
    3) Han Mei plays table tennis _________ (two) a week.
    4) You should drink plenty of (boil) water.
    5) It will be (sun) in Beijing this weekend.

    III. 选择填空。(30分)
    1) How often do you go hiking?
    A .Twice a week B. Once C. Three times
    2) Maria read a lot of stories and ____ herself at home.
    A .enjoyed B. enjoys C. enjoy
    3) Running is a good way to ______ fit.
    A. help B. keep C. give
    4) Hello, boys! You’d better have a rest and relax _____.
    A. yourself B. yourselves C. ourselves
    5) --Would you mind _____ me English? –Of course not.
    A .to teach B. teaching C. teach
    6) –Must we keep the windows open all the time?
    --No, we __________.
    A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. must not
    7) We must not go to ____ places during the SARS time.
    A. crowd B. crowded C. crowding
    8) We will ________ the school sports meeting next time.
    A. join B. take part in D. joins
    9)Eating more meat but fewer fruits and vegetables is _.
    A. healthy B. health C. unhealthy
    10) We don’t have to be afraid of _____ SARS.
    A. catch B. to catch C. catching
    11) Germs are very small. They can __________the human body________ the skin.
    A. get up…across B. get into…through
    C. get out of…from
    12) James is ________ boy.
    A. a 18-month-old B. a 18 months old
    C. an 18-month-old
    13) We shall meet ________ the school gate.
    A. in B. through C. at
    14) You kept me _______so long.
    A. waiting B. to wait C. am waiting
    15) I think I ______ free next week.
    A. am B. will be C. will have
    IV. 句型转换。根据要求改写句子。(10分)
    1) My favorite player is Liu Xiang. (对划线部分提问)
    __________ _________ your favorite player?
    2) I have a toothache.(对划线部分提问)
    ________ __________ with you ?
    3) They will leave for Beijing tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)
    _________ __________ leave for Beijing tomorrow?
    4) You must take care of yourself.(改为同意句)
    You __________ ___________ yourself.
    5) He taught himself on the Internet.(改为否定句)
    He ___________ ___________himself on the Internet.

    V. 汉英释义。(10分)
    ( ) 1. 咳嗽
    ( ) 2. 导致感染疾病
    ( ) 3. 发烧
    ( ) 4. 感冒
    ( ) 5. 不但…而且…
    ( ) 6. 增强体质
    ( ) 7. 滑雪
    ( ) 8. 打棒球
    ( ) 9. 打排球
    ( ) 10. 向某人道歉

    VI. 阅读,选择正确答案。( 5分)
    The students were having their chemistry(化学)class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like.
    After that, she asked her students, “What’s water?” No one spoke for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again, “Why don’t you answer my question? Didn’t I tell you what water is like?”
    Just then a boy put up his hand and said, “Miss Li, you told us that water has no color and no smell. But where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.” Most of the children agreed with him.
    “I’m sorry, children.” said the teacher, “Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. That’s a problem.”
    ( ) 1. The students were having their ______class .
    A. Chinese B. maths C. Chemistry D. English
    ( ) 2. Miss Li was telling the children what __was like.
    A. water B. weather C. earth D. air
    ( ) 3. A boy said ,“The water in the river behind my house is always______.”
    A. clear B. black C. clean D. white
    ( ) 4. Most of the children ______the boy .
    A. agreed with B. heard from C. wrote to D. sent for
    ( ) 5. The water in the river has color and smell because it is getting______.
    A. cleaner and cleaner B. less and less
    C. more and more D. dirtier and dirtier
    VII. 完形填空。( 10分)
    Two friends 1 a bear when they went through a forest 2 . One of them ran to 3 tree and climbed up very quickly. He forgot his friend. He thought only of 4 . His friend 5 bears 6 dead men. 7 he 8 when the bear came to him. Then the bear went away . The man called his friend in the tree, “you can 9 now.” The man smiled and asked, “What did the bear say to you?” His friend answered, “ He said I needed a new 10 .”
    ( ) 1.A. looked for B. met C. looked at D. watched
    ( ) 2. A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot D. by car
    ( ) 3. A. the nearest B. the goodC. a tallerD. a biggest
    ( ) 4. A. himself B. his mother
    C. the bear D. his girl friend
    ( ) 5. A. knew B. thought C. saw D. watched
    ( ) 6. A. wasn’t like B. needn’t fine
    C. didn’t eat D. couldn’t touch
    ( ) 7. A. And B. So C. But D. Because
    ( ) 8. A .moved B. ran
    C. opened his eyes D. didn’t move
    ( ) 9. A. climb upB. get upC. stay thereD. come down
    ( )10. A .teacher B. dress C. house D. friend

    VIII. 书面表达。(5分)

    Kangkang: Michael. What’s the _____________(1)?
    Michael: I have a _____________(2)and I feel so painful.
    Kangkang: You should go and see a dentist now.
    Michael: I think I just need a good rest. I _______ (3)
    the swimming game.
    Kangkang: Maybe you ate much too sweets yesterday evening.
    Michael: I see.
    Kangkang: You should take care of yourself. After the game you ____________(4) home at once, and have _____________(5).
    Michael: OK. Thanks a lot. It’s very kind of you!
    答 案 卷
    (总分:100分 考试时限:90分钟)

    班级___________ 姓名____________ 座号_______

    I. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。读二遍(5分)




    III. 听五个对话,根据对话顺序在图画下面的括号内分别填上A、B、C、D、E五个字母。读二遍(5分)




    I. 用适当的词填空。(每空一词)(5分)


    II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)


    III. 选择填空。(30分)



    IV. 句型转换。根据要求改写句子。(10分)

    1_________ ___________ 2___________ _________

    3_________ ___________ 4___________ _________

    5__________ ___________
    V. 汉英释义。(10分)



    VI. 阅读,选择正确答案。( 5分)


    VII. 完形填空。( 10分)


    VIII. 书面表达。(5分)


    ( 祝同学们考出好成绩)

    I. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。读二遍(5分)
    1.The doctor told me to take the pills three times a day.
    2.He played football two hours last Saturday afternoon.
    3. You’d better lie down and have a good rest.
    4.Drink at least eight cups of water every day..
    5.We must eat healthy food .
    (keys:1-5 BCBAB)

    II. 听对话,选择正确的答案。读二遍(5分)
    1. W: Hi, Michael! What’s your favorite sport?
    M: Oh, I like playing football best. What about you, Linlin?
    W: Volleyball.
    Q: What’s Linlin’s favorite sport?
    2. M: Would you mind my smoking here, Linda?
    W: Not at all. Lin Tao.
    Q: Who wants to smoke here?
    3. W: What’s the matter with you, Kangkang?
    M: I have a toothache.
    Q: Does Kangkang have to see a doctor or a dentist?
    4. W: What should we do to fight SARS, Dr. Lee?
    M: We must eat healthy food and do more exercise. We must not go to crowded places.
    Q: What should we do to fight SARS?
    5. W: Is reading in strong sunlight good or bad for your eyes?
    M: I think it’s bad.
    W: Is taking a walk after meals good or bad for your health?
    M: Er…, let me see. It’s good I think.
    Q: Is reading in strong sunlight good or bad for your health?
    (Keys:1-5 BACCB)

    III. 听五个对话,根据对话顺序在图画下面的括号内分别填上A、B、C、D、E五个字母。读二遍(5分)
    Picture A W: What was wrong with Michael?
    M: He fell and hurt himself.
    Picture B W: Did he hurt his left leg of right leg?
    M: He hurt his left leg.
    Picture C W: Who went to call a taxi and who stayed to look after Michael?
    M: Kangkang and Maria went to call a taxi and Jane stayed to look after him.
    Picture D W: Did they go to the hospital?
    M: Yes, they did.
    Picture E W: Was Michael still in hospital?
    M: No, he wasn’t. He was going back home with his friends.
    (Keys:1-5 DEBAC)
    As we know, food gives us energy . We must have enough food to keep us healthy. Of course, we must also have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables but less meat. If we eat too little or too much food, or if we choose the wrong food, it can make us sick.
    (Keys: 1. energy 2.enough 3. healthy 4. less 5. choose)

    I. 用适当的词填空。(每空一词)(5分)
    1. cheer 2. on 3. examining 4. mind 5. battle
    II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)
    1. becycling 2. tired 3. twice 4. boiled 5. sunny
    III. 选择填空。(30分)
    1-5 AABBB 6-10 ABBCC 11-15 BCCAB
    IV. 句型转换。根据要求改写句子。(10分)
    1. Who is 2.What’s wrong 3.Will they 4.look after 5.didn’t teach
    V. 汉英释义。(10分)
    1-5 CEGAI 6-10 HBJDF
    VI. 阅读,选择正确答案。( 5分)
    1-5 CABAD
    VII. 完形填空。( 10分)
    1-5 BCAAA 6-10 CBDDD



    2008-9-26濉溪县2007-2008学年度第一学期教学质量检测八年级上册期中试卷[精品 ]









