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  • 「教师招聘」小学英语模拟卷(六)
  • 山东教师招聘考试英语【考过的进】
  • 浙江省小学英语教师招聘考试试卷
  • 求杭州市滨江区历年公开招聘教师考试(中小学英语)模拟试题和历届真题及答案
  • 一、「教师招聘」小学英语模拟卷(六)

    第一部分 客观题

    I.Phonetics, Vocabulary and Structure(Questions 1 to 20)

    Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

    1.—Do you want tea or coffee?

    —_______. I really don’t mind.


    B. None

    C. Either


    2.—Hi, this way, please.

    —OK. I sometimes have no sense of ______ when I arrive at the crossroad.

    A. position

    B. direction

    C. situation

    D. condition

    3.When he left _______ college, he got a job as _______reporter in a newspaper office.

    A. /; a

    B. /; the

    C. a; the

    D. the; the

    4. The hero of the story is an artist in his _________.

    A. thirtieth

    B. thirty

    C. thirty's

    D. thirties

    5.My parents have always made me ________ about myself, even when I was twelve.

    A. feeling well

    B. feeling good

    C. feel well

    D. feel good

    6.The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _______ the wildlife in the area.

    A in

    B. on

    C. at

    D. with

    7. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures________ in your mind instead of before your eyes.

    A. to form

    B. form

    C. forming

    D. having formed

    8. —Yang Liwei has won great honour for our country.

    —Who is Yang Liwei?

    —What a question! It is surprising _______ the first spaceman in China.

    A. you didn’t know our national hero

    B. to you not to know him

    C. you should know nothing about

    D. you knew nothing about him

    9. I left my pen on the desk and now it’s gone; who ________ it?

    A. took

    B. has taken

    C. will take

    D. had taken

    10. It was not until 1920 _______ regular radio broadcasts began.

    A. which

    B. when

    C. that

    D. since

    11. When ______ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.”

    A. offering

    B. to offer

    C. to be offered

    D. offered

    12. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _______.

    A. I was neither

    B. neither was I

    C. I was either

    D. either was I

    13. Cindy could hardly speak English three years ago, _______?

    A. couldn’t she

    B. could she

    C. can she

    D. should she

    14.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

    —It _______ a comfortable journey.

    A. can’ t be

    B. shouldn’t be

    C. mustn’t have been

    D. couldn’t have been

    15. This is the case ________ he’s had all his money stolen.

    A. when

    B. where

    C. that

    D. on which

    16.—Excuse me. Can you tell me ______?

    —At about 8 o’clock sir.

    A. what time the plane will reach Beijing

    B. what time will the plane arrive in Beijing

    C. what time the plane will arrive Beijing

    D. what time will the plane get to Beijing

    17.—It’s thirty years since we last met.

    —But I still remember the story, believe it or not, ______ we got lost on a rainy night.

    A. which

    B. that

    C. what

    D. when

    18. A warm thought suddenly came to me_______ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday.

    A. if

    B. when

    C. that

    D. which

    19.I heard the students _______ songs at 9 o’clock last night, but I didn’t hear Jay Chou’s songs _____then.

    A. sing; singing

    B. singing; singing

    C. singing; sung

    D. sings; sing

    20. Hard-working though he was, ________ there was never enough money to pay the bills.

    A. /

    B. and

    C. but

    D. therefore

    II.Cloze(Questions 21 to 30)

    Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. Choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

    Five years ago, I took a sightseeing trip to Washington DC. I saw many__21__nation treasures, and I also saw many poor__22__like beggars and homeless folks. Standing outside the museum, I heard a__23__behind me, “Can you help me?” When I__24__around, I saw an elderly blind woman with her hands extended. I__25__into my pocket, took out the __26__and placed them in her hand without even looking__27__her. I hated being troubled by a beggar when I was __28__seeing people and things around. But to my__29__, the blind woman smiled and said, “I don't need your money. I just need your__30__to find the post office.”

    21.A. wonderful B. official C. colorful D. popular

    22.A. workers B. audience C. people D. students

    23.A. cry B. voice C. shout D. noise

    24.A. ran B. walked C. looked D. turned

    25.A. reached B. felt C. checked D. stepped

    26.A. papers B. pictures C. coins D. cards

    27.A. for B. at C. after D. through

    28.A. imagining B. finishing C. practicing D. enjoying

    29.A. surprise B. pleasure C. interest D. sorrow

    30.A. hand B. idea C. help D. suggestion

    III. Reading Comprehension ( Questions 31 to 45 )

    Directions: There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


    The key element to successful interviewing is not your experience, your grades, what classes you took, your extracurricular activities, or any of the other basic necessities. Those skills are what got you the interview, The key element to successful interviewing can be summed up in one word: attitude. If you want to rise above others with better experience, better grades, or better anything, you will need to work on developing a highly positive work attitude.

    Your attitude determines whether you will “make the cut” or be discarded. Remember, there are plenty of competitors with the ability to do almost any given job—especially at the entry level. The way most employers differentiate at the entry level is by candidates’ attitudes toward the job. Your attitude is often what recruiters will remember when the dust has settled after reviewing ten, twenty, or even one hundred candidates—the one who was sincerely willing to put forth his very best effort. If you have the attitude of wanting to do your very best for the company, of being focused on the company’s needs, of putting yourself forth as the person who will be committed and dedicated to fulfilling their needs, you will likely be the one chosen.

    Why is attitude so important? Because most companies already have their full share of multi-talented superstars who care about no one but themselves. Ask any manager who the most valuable member of his team is, and he will point not to the overrated superstar, but to the person who has the “can do” attitude, the person who can be counted on in any situation, the person who truly strives for excellence. Give me a team player who is achieving at 99% and I will take her over a flashy superstar who is running at 50% efficiency any day of the week. And so will 99% of all hiring managers.

    So don’t worry if you are not “superstar” quality. If you can show me, in your words and actions, that you are ready to put forth your very best effort toward achieving excellence, you will be chosen over the superstar. You can show your winning attitude in the way you present yourself. Incorporate the actual words “positive attitude”, “excellence”, and “striving to be my best” into your interview language. Then show by your stories and examples how these words positively affect your life. Show me when and where and how you have put forth extra effort above and beyond the call of duty. Show me how you beat a deadline, how you excelled in a project, or how you made a difference by going the extra mile. If you can show me, by words and examples, your “can do” attitude, it is you I will hire, while all of the superstars will receive polite rejection letters to add to their growing collections.

    31. What is the key element to successful interviewing according to this passage?

    A. Courses taken before.

    B. A varied experience.

    C. A positive work attitude.

    D. Interviewees’ capability.

    32. Which of the following statement is correct in the author’s opinion?

    A. There are inadequate competitors with the ability to do almost any given job especially at the entry level.

    B. Most interviewers generally depend on the candidates’ attitudes toward the job to choose the employees.

    C. Most employers tell the difference between candidates by their entry level.

    D. Better experience and better grades become the most important elements to be chosen.

    33. Who is the most valuable member of his team to a manager?

    A. The multi-talented superstar.

    B. The person who tries his best for excellence.

    C. The person who counts on himself and does not cooperate with others.

    D. The flashy star who makes the company famous.

    34. In an interview, what makes you leave a good impression on the interviewer?

    A. Your boasting words.

    B. The words such as positive attitude, excellence, and striving to be my best.

    C. Your own stories.

    D. Words and examples to show your positive attitude.

    35. What is the best title for this passage?

    A. Your Attitude Determines Whether You Will “Make The Cut” or Be Discarded.

    B. How to Find a Good Job.

    C. The Most Important Aspect of Interviewing.

    D. A Successful Interviewing.


    African elephants have been slaughtered at alarming rate over the past decade, largely because they are the primary source of the world’s ivory. Their population has been dwindled from 1.3 million in 1979 to just 625,000 today, and the rate of killing has been accelerating in recent years because many of the older, bigger tusked animals have already been destroyed. “The poachers now must kill times as many elephants to get the same quantity of ivory,” explained Curtis Bohlen, Senior vice president of the World Wildlife Fund.

    Though its record on the environment has been spotty so far, the government last week took the lead in a major conservation issue by imposing a ban on ivory imports into the US. The move came just four days after a consortium of conservation groups, including the World Wildlife Fund and Wildlife Conservation International, called for that kind of action, and it made the US the first nation to forbid imports of both raw and finished ivory. The ban, says Bohlen, sends a very clear message to the ivory poachers that the game is over.

    In the past African nations have resisted an ivory ban, but increasingly they realized that the decimation of the elephant herds poses a serious threat to their tourist business. Last month Tanzania and several other African countries called for an amendment to the 102 nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species that would make the ivory trade illegal worldwide. The amendment is expected to be approved at an October meeting in Geneva and to go into effect next January. But between now and then, conservationists contend, poachers may go on a rampage, killing elephants wholesale, so nations should unilaterally forbid imports right away. The US government brought that argument, and by week's end the twelve nation European Community had followed with its own ban.

    36.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A. African Elephants and the Ivory Trade.

    B. A Bid to Save the Elephant.

    C. The Poachers.

    D. Elephants In Danger.

    37.According to the passage, “dwindle” means _______.

    A. decrease

    B. enlarge

    C. weaken

    D. eliminate

    38. Since many of the older, bigger-tusked animals have already been destroyed, what did the poacher do?

    A. They gave up poaching.

    B. They killed more elephants to get the same quantity of ivory.

    C. To them, game is over.

    D. They realized it was illegal to slaughter elephants.

    39.Why did the African nations welcome an ivory ban?

    A. The rate of killing has been accelerating.

    B. The US government forbids imports of both raw and finished ivory.

    C. They realized that the killing of elephants is a serious threat to their tourist business.

    D. African people advocated an ivory ban.

    40.What’s the author’s attitude?

    A. Subjective.

    B. Neutral.

    C. Pessimistic.

    D. Active.


    On a cold early morning, an old woman was carrying a big basket of cabbages on her head to the market. She hoped to sell them to the people in the town.

    The mountain road was narrow and the old woman was walking carefully, because she did not want to lose her cabbages.

    Suddenly she heard a loud bell and a bicycle came round. It passed her and went very fast down the hill. The old woman had to jump up to one side of the road so quickly that the basket of cabbages nearly fell into the valley.

    She looked up, and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle. He was riding on without even looking round to see whether the old woman was all right.

    The old woman began to shout, “Come back, young man! You dropped something!”

    When he heard this, the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he nearly fell off. Then he turned and began to push the bicycle back up to the hill. “What is it?” he asked. “What did I drop?” “Little boy,” the old woman answered, “you dropped your manners.”

    41.What was the old woman carrying?

    A. A basket of eggs.

    B. A basket of pears.

    C. A basket of apples.

    D. A basket of cabbages.

    42.Why did the woman go to the town?

    A. Because she went to see her son.

    B. Because she went to buy cabbages.

    C. Because she went to sell her cabbages.

    D. Because she went to buy a bicycle.

    43.What was the mountain road like?

    A. The mountain road was wide.

    B. The mountain road was narrow.

    C. The mountain road was long.

    D. The mountain road was untidy.

    44.Which one is RIGHT according to the passage?

    A. The boy stopped to buy some cabbages.

    B. The boy stopped to take the old woman to the town.

    C. The boy stopped to pick up the cabbages.

    D. The boy stopped to ask the old woman what he had dropped.

    45.What did the boy drop?

    A. The boy dropped his cabbages.

    B. The boy dropped his money.

    C. The boy dropped his manners.

    D. The boy dropped his bicycle.

    第二部分 主观题

    一、书面表达(10 分)


    假设你是李华,你的美国朋友 Tom 近日写信给你,想了解中国高中生的体育锻炼情况。请给 Tom 写一封回信,内容包括:1.中国高中生参加体育运动的现状;2.分析该现状产生的原因;3.你自己的感想。


    1.词数 100 左右;




    二、简述题(10 分)

    1.请简述教学设计的原则。(5 分)

    2.请简述呈现演示的原则。(5 分)

    三、案例分析题(15 分)


    【案例 1】(5 分)

    王老师在教授完 PEP 三年级下册 Unit 6 How many Part A Let’s learn 部分核心词汇与句型后将学生分为 4 人一组,请学生使用新知就教室内物品的数量进行调查讨论。由于学生之前没有学习过教室内物品的英语表述,因此,在活动过程中许多同学无所事事,有的学生用中文讨论“窗户有 4 个,讲桌 1 个”,只有少部分英语成绩特别好的学生参与到课堂活动中。在活动结束后,教师对积极参与讨论的学生进行了表扬,随后结束了课堂。

    【案例 2】(5 分)

    这是五年级上学期临近期末的一堂英语课教学片段节选:同学们,因为考试马上就要来临了,我们现在还剩两个单元的内容没有讲完,为了能节省出时间到时候帮大家进行考试复习,所以最后两个单元我们可能要加快速度了,我们课堂上可能没有时间玩游戏了。因此,现在大家翻开课本看到 Let’s Learn 部分,我们一起来学一下Part A 和 Part B 部分的新单词。大家先跟着老师朗读。老师读一遍,大家读五遍:apple, banana, orange, pear……好的,现在大家翻开习题册做一下前面两个题目:首字母填空及选词填空。学生在不断的学新知识和练习的夹击之下苦不堪言。

    【案例 3】(5 分)

    兰老师在教授 PEP 小学英语四年级上册 Unit 6 Meet my family Part A Let’s learn 部分时设计了以下导入活动:兰老师先在屏幕上呈现自己的家庭照片,并引导学生观察图片说出“father”,“mother”,“sister”及“brother”等词汇。随后邀请部分学生简单介绍自己的家庭成员。当学生遇到不会表述的词汇时,兰老师允许学生适量使用中文表达。最后,教师带领学生歌唱儿歌 Finger Family。随后引入今天的课堂:Amy 的家人。


    四、教学设计题(15 分)

    请根据人民教育出版社义务教育教科书《英语(3 年级起点)五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed Part B Read and Write 部分内容,按要求完成下列教学设计任务。


    1.请根据教学内容确定本课时的知识与技能目标(4 分)

    2.请设计出 while-reading 环节的教学步骤(7 分)

    3.请设计出本节课的板书设计(4 分)








    山东教师招聘笔试一般为以上2-3种内容的搭配考核,有教基+公基,教基+学科,教基+公基+学科三种形式,以教基+学科为主,各部分内容所占比例不一定。比如,2021年临沂统考的笔试内容为教育基础知识和学科专业知识两部分,分别占整个试题分数的 40%和 60%。值得注意的是,近年来,山东多地对学科专业知识的考核越来越重视了。




    专业知识和教育教学理论(教育学 心理学,还有教育法规等)



    自己参考下这些资料,老 胖 子 网 里面有下载。



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