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  • 英语演讲稿:我的中国梦
  • 中国梦我的梦英文演讲稿
  • 中国梦航天梦英语演讲稿(中英对照)(2)
  • 英语演讲稿范文我的梦想带译文
  • 一、英语演讲稿:我的中国梦


    My Chinese Dream


    I am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech。Today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland


    When preparing for the English speech contest, I simply want to search some articles as the contents of my speech。 I read a lot of articles, some from the university professor, some from the famous host, some from the college students, and even from junior high school students。 But after reading it, I gave up the idea, I even felt shameful。 Today,the topic I want to talk about is a solemn and serious theme full of glory and pride, which is a mon aspiration of all our Chinese。 Every Chinese has his own dream of China, and of course, there is a dream lingering in my heart only belongs to my own。


    So what’s my Chinese dream ? Finally I will announce。

    We had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book。 We had a basic concept to our country at that time。 We know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland。



    However,We don't know what time to start,We are grow up,Life became not the same, though we don’t want to admit, it’s the truth that our mind and attitude to our country is changing。 Our society became full of deception, indifference, intrigue, pressure, corruption, sinister, and we became irritable and not calm, detest the world and its ways。 Our country seems to have bee in a disastrous state too。 A lot of young students who were nurtured by our motherland became impatient, let alone what are their dreams , what is the china dream ?



    I was surprised ,when the old man fell down in the street,We are afraid to help him。I was disappointed ,when someone do good things were reported,many people think he was affectation, I was sad,when I saw many of young people bee indifferent ,fraud and lack of ideal。

    Are we sick, or is our dear motherland sick?



    I don't want to talk about the construction of our country politics, and also speak impassioned speech on the Diaoyu Island event 。I just want to appeal young people,showing the side of youth,good and confidence。We must learn to organize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in future life。 China dream actually lies in our young generation, especially of the intellectuals。


    Perhaps the strength of a person is small, but when his or her fate is connected with the motherland, he or she will be hero or heroine。 Perhaps a dream is tiny, but when it bees the dream of a country, it bees inestimable。 Perhaps I cannot change our country by my own, but if thousands and thousands of young people struggle for the dream together, our motherland is enough to make the world shock。


    I dream to construct our beauty China with millions of young people who have the same dream。 We do it without exaggeration but only with persistence。


    That is my speech,thanks everyone。





      Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, today my topic is “My Dream,Chinese Dream”.

      Dream, is a beacon of your life; dream, is your better vision; dream, is you ideal wings; and having dreams, you will have a future.

      “Now, everybody was discussing the Chinese dream, I think, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since the modern time.the words are claimed by Xi Jinping. This is the general secretary of Xi jinping ?s Chinese dream. But as a contemporary college students, what is our Chinese dream? Can we dare to dream?

      The answer is yes. We college students have no dare not dream, we not only need to bravely dream, but also hard to dream! As we all know, the highest honor of the nursing field is get the Nightingale prize. Each of years china had more or less people gotten this honor. Whenever I see the time that they wearing a silver medal and holding flowers standing on the podium to getting applause and glory, I couldn't help of imaging myself standing on the stage like them in future, that could be how glorious. This is my dream, my dream of Nightingales.

      And I, a new era of college students, I am proud of my dream, proud of our motherland. When the dream into reality, in a era which let the youth realizing their ideal, I believe my dream will be realizing in the near future!

      Finally, I would like to inviting all of yours, please stretch out your hands, let us applause to achieve the dream of tomorrow!

      That's all. Thank you.
      Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It’s great to be here. First of all, thanks for your coming. Tonight, what I am gonna talk about is innovation. Who can tell me what is innovation? We all know that, since 1978, China has been through the greatest changes brought by the reform and opening-up. So what we can see from the reform and opening-up? The power of innovation. That’s why I am here. I am here to show you my Chinese dream.

      I want to talk about the future and how we're going to win it. If we want to make innovation. But firstly, we should make sure that China is a place where we can make it if we try, where we can go as far as hard work and big dreams will take us. We understand that it’s not going to be a cakewalk, this competition for the future, which means all of us are going to have to do our best. We are going to have to win the future by being smarter and working harder and working together. Innovation is the spirit of our country, the motive force for our country’s prosperity.

      Sparking the imagination and creativity of our people, unleashing new discoveries -- that's what China will do better than any other country on Earth. From the moment we have a new idea, we can explore it; we can develop it with a research grant; we can protect it with a patent; we can market it with a loan to start a new business. We’ve got a chain that takes a great idea all the way through. We must be confirmed that, today, the challenges we face are real. They are serious they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But we will somehow find a way to overcome the difficulties. My major is XXX. My is to discover or create new drugs for many diseases like cancer. You know that laboratory is the place where miracles happen. Believe it or not.

      What I do can save millions of people’s lives. For a long time, what challenges me is how to commercialize research. You come up with a great idea, but moving that new discovery from theory to practice or from the lab to the marketplace, that's really a big . That’s what we should focus on. We need to act with a sense of urgency-to study and work and create as if the fate of the country depends on us-because it does. It depends on us. Thank you!
      Go round Chinese dream Fuxing Road

      As night fell, looking at the night sky, the stars. If every star represents every dream. Then the sky and stars represent the Chinese dream. A vivid dreamwoven into a colorful Chinese dream.

      In the sky there is a experienced the vicissitudes of stars, it is the up and down five thousand years of history. From the creation of the world to ourhappiness, Pangu now happy life. Chinese dream through every day and night, flowing through every Chinese heart. No matter how difficult, or there will be after the vicissitudes of bright smile. All are past and gone! For truly great men look to this age alone. Collection time flows through it every China dream,war in the world, made life dream.

      There is a shining star in the sky, that is the successful Olympic, Shi Bo, the Shenzhou ten launch China story. When the applause sounded a thunderous,when the beam eyes to China time. I know, at that time. China light emitting in every corner of the world. China dream continues, I dream of sight is still persistent, silently offer yourself a little power. This is a dream, a dream calledChina, one by each Chinese deep call dream. Every struggle figure I carefullyangle upward medals, listening to every sound near the China dream voice,and won the running time of honor, raised her hand to salute, shouting outtheir Chinese dream.

      There is a bright star in the sky, that is my dream. My dream is to become an astronomer to space exploration. Morning, I looked at the sun. The fiery red sun hanging high in the sky. "Why does the sun is red?" Suddenly, a problemhowever adorable, I want to have a rocket to send me the sun, let the Sun toldme the answer! At night, I looked at the mysterious night sky, the stars with,bringing a moonlight fell on the ground, is so charming! Suddenly, the initiation of another question, "why do the stars shine? Why does the moon will shine?" I want to have a rocket to send me to the moon, let the moon to tell me the answer! In order to realize my dream, I will work hard, hard, hard again!

      In the spread of the night, I stand on the ground, watching rich, strong and prosperous country. With a strong, a glory, a vicissitudes of life, a Chinadream, to create a better future.

      Chinese dream, is my dream, it is everyone's dream!


    1. 我的梦想英语演讲稿3篇

    2. 我的中国梦高中英语演讲稿

    3. 我的梦想英语演讲稿

    4. 英语演讲稿范文 我的梦想带译文

    5. 中国梦,我的梦演讲稿8篇

    6. “中国梦我的梦”演讲稿3篇

    7. 中国梦演讲稿:我的梦,中国梦

    8. 演讲稿:我的梦,我的中国梦








      梦想是阳光的,它使人们由浮躁走向踏实,由彷徨走向坚定,并走向成功。梦想是有力量的,它是人生前行的动力之源;高远的梦想可以激发一个人生命中 所有的潜能。



      有梦想的人是幸福的,有梦想的人生是充满希望的。愿每一个孩子在他们的童年都能够拥有自己的梦想,无论这个梦想是什么,这个梦想有多大。我生在中国,长在中国,所以中国与我已经紧密的联系在了一起。中国好,则我好,中国不好,则我必然不好。当中国遇到困难时,我为中国伤心,当中国获得荣誉时,我为中国自豪。当我看到有老人摔倒,但是却没有人扶时;当我看到即使旁边有垃圾桶,但是人们还是将垃圾遍地丢时;当我看到人们不顾红绿灯的指示,一直向前走时……这不是我所认识的中国。我所认识的中国是一个强大、团结、文明、温暖。和谐的中国。那个强大的中国,不需要有美国那般全球第一的强势,却有能保障人民安居乐业的刚强;不必太大富大贵,但至少能给中国人一个遮风避雨的家,能保证人民的温饱,人民安居乐业,让人在中国,活得幸福。 中国梦首先表现为国家梦、民族梦。但是,归根到底,最终要落脚,落到人民梦上去。而且国家梦、民族梦和人民梦三者是有机统一的,尽管从表面上看,好象我们的中国梦是提出来的,其实我们仔细想想,为什么提出来以后,确实引起中国社会如此高度的认同和拥戴呢?就是因为其实这个中国梦一直是中国人民百年以来追求的一种梦想,是我们自己近百年的每个人的夙愿。在这个意义上,提出这个梦想,只不过是反映了人民的期待,顺应了人民的要求而已。中国梦确确实实是人民自己选择的一种梦想,是人民自己的一种愿望,它是来自于人民。



      那个温暖的中国,社会需要充满温暖,不会在出现流浪老人、孤寡老人、 儿童 等无人照料,不会在出现人于危难之时而无人相救的冷漠。人们不会因为自己的利益而失去道德底线,“三鹿“奶粉事件不会在出现。吃的放心,用的放心,能把心,安安稳稳的托付给我们的生产者。

      那个文明的中国,中国不但是人口大国,更应该成为素质大国。俗话说“人无德不立,国无德不兴“。由此可知,行为品德无论对个人还是对整个国家、整个民族都是何等的重要。一个高素质、有教养的现代文明人,必须有良好的 文明礼仪 。所以人人都应该严格控制自己的行为,不要让自己的行为危害到自己,危害到国家。做一个文明的人,懂礼貌的人。那个和谐的中国,我们现在的目标是建立一个和谐的社会。和谐的社会不仅包括人与人之间的和谐相处,也包括人与自然之间的和谐相处。所以这就要求我们要善待我们的朋友,善待动植物。不要再让践踏草坪的事件出现,不要再让花草流泪。不要再因为自身的一点蝇头小利,而去伤害我们的朋友,捕杀稀有动物!

      中国梦,我的梦!中国梦不是一朝一夕所能实现的,他需要我们所有人的努力。少年智则中国智,少年强则中国强,所以中国梦的实现就依靠我们了。所以我们应该从现在做起,从点滴小事做起。努力学习科学 文化 知识,从各个方面培养自己,把自己培养成一个对国家,对社会有用的人!
      I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future. Therefore, I can buy all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut. Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream come true, I must work hard now. So that I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge. I hope my dream can come true one day.




    1. 中国梦英文演讲稿5篇

    2. 关于中国梦的英语演讲稿3篇

    3. 我的中国梦英文演讲稿范文

    4. 我的中国梦演讲稿

    5. 中国梦,我的梦演讲稿8篇


      下面是我整理的 英语 演讲稿 范文 我的梦想带译文,希望对大家有帮助。

      英语 演讲稿范文 我的梦想带译文:

      Good morning everyone!

      I am very glad to make a speech here! This time, I'd like to talk something about my dream.

      One day I want to grow up to be an actress. I want to be famous as can be. To be known thought out the world and to be love. To be an actress there are greater chance of meeting others famous people, going to their party and wearing fancy clothes, getting to be watch on screen. having own movies, tv show, comecial, clothing labe and so much more. Everthing is going to be about me when I be come an actress. So I want to be an actress to be famous and loveable as can be.

      Thank you!




      英语演讲稿范文 我的梦想带译文:my dream

      hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place.

      do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true!


      我的梦想 你好大家!这是我很高兴能够分享我的梦想与你今天。 我的梦想是成为一名教师。 你知道作为一个教师,是一个东西,这是非常宝贵的,非常有趣。我认为它必须是一个伟大的乐趣与子女所有。如果我是一名教师,我可以教我的学生很多知识。他们可能会成为强大和聪明,因为我了。这是一个非常知足的感觉。 中国是一个发展中国家。中国人是不是优秀,在他们的智能。所以老师在中国可能非常非常重要的。他们可以提供社会了不少成功的人,使中国成为更美好的地方。 你认为我有一个很好的梦想,我将努力工作,使我的梦想变成真! 谢谢〜

      英语演讲稿范文 我的梦想带译文:

      Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, today my topic is “My Dream, Chinese Dream”.

      Dream, is a beacon of your life; dream, is your better vision; dream, is you ideal wings; and having dreams, you will have a future.

      “Now, everybody was discussing the Chinese dream, I think, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since the modern time.’’ the words are claimed by Xi Jinping. This is the general secretary of Xi jinping ‘s Chinese dream. But as a contemporary college students, what is our Chinese dream? Can we dare to dream?

      The answer is yes. We college students have no dare not dream, we not only need to bravely dream, but also hard to dream! As we all know, the highest honor of the nursing field is get the Nightingale prize. Each of years china had more or less people gotten this honor. Whenever I see the time that they wearing a silver medal and holding flowers standing on the podium to getting applause and glory, I couldn't help of imaging myself standing on the stage like them in future, that could be how glorious. This is my dream, my dream of Nightingale’s.

      And I, a new era of college students, I am proud of my dream, proud of our motherland. When the dream into reality, in a era which let the youth realizing their ideal, I believe my dream will be realizing in the near future!

      Finally, I would like to inviting all of yours, please stretch out your hands, let us applause to achieve the dream of tomorrow!

      That’ s all. Thank you.






      英语演讲稿范文 我的梦想带译文:

      my youth , my dream

      We all want to believe that we are capable of great feats , of reaching our fullest potential .


      We need dreams . 我们需要梦想。

      They give us a vision of a better future . 它会给我们展现一番更好的前景。

      They nourish our spirit ,they represent possibility even then we are dragged down by reality .


      They keep us going . 梦想让我们勇往直前。

      Most successful people are dreamers . 多数成功人士都是梦想家。

      Dreamers are not content with merely mediocre ,because no one ever dreams of going half way .


      When I was a little girl , I didn’t dream of a life of stryggle and frustration .


      I dreamed of doing something big and splashy ,something significant .


      I dreamed big .我梦想成为伟人。

      But now , I become realistic . 但是现在,我很现实。

      I have a dream that I can have my own firm one day .


      Because I major in economic , I can use my special knowledge to run the company .


      When I have a lot of money , I will donate some of them to help others .


      My dreams are worthless , my plans are dust , my goals are impossible .


      All are of no value unless they are followed by action .


      Action is the food and drink which will nourish my success .


      If I don’t take any actions to realize my dream , it will become a fantasy .


      When I was little , I dreamed big .孩提时,我梦想成为伟人。

      It’s a pity for me that I didn’t do anything to approach it .


      I always think that when I grow up , I can take some actions .


      But when I grow up truly , I forget my dream and my ambition .


      So I will not avoiid the tasks of today and charge them to tomorrow .


      For I know that tomorrow never comes .因为我知道明天永远不会到来。

      Let me act now even though my actions may not bring success for it is better to act and fail than not be act and flounder .


      Success will not wait . 成功不会等待。

      If I delay , she will become betrothed another and lost ti me forever .


      I will take every effort to accomplish my dream .i won’t let it become a fantasy , it is just my dream .maybe some years later , it will become true .




    • 英语演讲稿:我的中国梦

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