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  • 小学四年级英语上册:第四单元检测卷两套(达标、综合)+答案
  • 四年级英语上册期末考试卷附答案
  • 四年级英语试卷及答案
  • 人教版小学四年级上册个单元英语试题 谢谢
  • 一、小学四年级英语上册:第四单元检测卷两套(达标、综合)+答案





      ( ) 1. A. tiger B. lion

      ( ) 2. A. cool B. cute

      ( ) 3. A. seventeen B. eighteen

      ( ) 4. A. sad B. dad

      ( ) 5. A. fridge B. fruit

      ( ) 6. A. jump B. jacket


      ( ) ( ) ( )


      1. 2. 3.

      ( ) ( ) ( )


      ( ) 1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don’t.

      ( ) 2. A. I like cows. B. I have a toy cow.

      ( ) 3. A. Thank you. B. Here you are.

      ( ) 4. A. They’re in the fridge. B. It’s in the fridge.



      1. --- Can you , Liu Tao?

      --- Yes, I can.

      2. --- Mum, where are my socks?

      --- Look, they’re in the .

      3. --- Do you like this ?

      --- Yes, I do. It’s lovely.

      4. --- What do you have?

      --- I have some .

      5. --- How many toy cars do you have?

      --- I have .


      ( ) 1. --- _________ are my shoes, Dad?

      --- Come and look. They’re under the bed.

      A. Where B. What

      ( ) 2. --- Do you like monkeys, Nancy? --- No, I _________.

      A. don’t B. do

      ( ) 3. --- What’s that behind the door? --- It’s ________ umbrella.

      A. a B. an

      ( ) 4. --- __________ are the apples? --- Twenty-five yuan.

      A. How much B. How many

      ( ) 5. This is my father. He is tall. _________ mouth is big.

      A. He B. His

      ( ) 6. --- Can I help you? --- ______ a hot dog and some juice, please.

      A. I like B. I’d like

      ( ) 7. Look at the elephant. Its(它的) nose _____ long. Its ears ____big.

      A. is; is B. is; are

      ( ) 8. --- Do you have _____stickers?

      --- No, I don’t. I have _____dolls.

      A. any; some B. some; any

      ( ) 9. 你想知道对方会不会踢足球,你可以问:

      A. Do you have a football? B. Can you play football?

      ( ) 10. 当你想夸赞别人事情做得好时,你可以说:

      A. Have a try. B. Well done.


      Ⅰ Ⅱ

      ( ) 1. Where’s my dress? a. No, I can’t.

      ( ) 2. Do you like this red box? b. It’s in the bathroom.

      ( ) 3. Can you make a fruit salad? c. Yes, they are.

      ( ) 4. What time is it? d. It’s a horse.

      ( ) 5. Are those pears? e. It’s five o’clock.

      ( ) 6. What’s that? f. Yes, I do.


      1. 看这个布娃娃。她的鼻子很小,但是她的眼睛很大。

      Look at this doll. Her nose is __________, but her __________ are big.

      2. 迈克,你有一些铅笔吗? 是的。我有二十支。

      --- Mike, do you have _________pencils? --- Yes. I have __________.

      3. 刘涛,你会滑冰吗? 不,我不会。

      --- _________ you _________, Liu Tao? --- No, I __________.


      A: Welcome to my snack bar.

      What __________ you like?

      B: I’d __________ a cake and a cup of coffee.

      A: Anything __________?

      B: A hamburger, please.

      ___________ __________ are they?

      A: They’re ___________ yuan.

      B: Here you are.

      A: Thank you.


      Hello, my name is Mary. Welcome to my new home. Look, this is my living room. You can see three sofas, a white table and a big TV in it. That’s my bedroom. It’s small, but it’s nice. You can see a yellow desk and a small bed. On the desk, you can see some books and a toy car. On the bed, you can see five dolls. I like dolls very much. I like my new home too.

      ( ) 1. Mary’s bedroom is big and nice.

      ( ) 2. Mary likes dolls very much.

      ( ) 3. The yellow table is in the living room.

      ( ) 4. The toy car is on the bed.

      ( ) 5. Mary likes her new home.






      女男:1. This is a tiger.

      2. My cat is very cute.

      3. I have eighteen mangoes.

      4. Don’t be sad, Bobby.

      5. The fridge is in the kitchen.

      6. That’s my new jacket.


      1. 男:Where’s my bag, mum? 女:It’s in the living room.

      2. 女:Do you have any robots? 男:Yes. I have two.

      3. 女:What do you like? 男:I like elephants.

      4. 女:Can you play basketball? 男:Sure, I can.

      5. 男:Do you like this doll? 女:Yes. How nice!

      6. 男:What’s that over there? 女:It’s a snowman.


      1. 男:Look, what’s that? 女:It’s a fan.

      2. 女:Ming Ming, who’s she? 男:She’s my sister. Her eyes are big.

      3. 男:Where’s my basketball? 女:It’s on the desk.

      4. 女:Mr Green, what can you do? 男:I can play table tennis.

      5. 女:How much are the shoes? 男:They’re thirty yuan.

      6. 男:Can I help you? 女:I’d like some grapes.


      女男:1. Can you skate, Yang Ling?

      2. What do you like?

      3. This doll is for you, Nancy.

      4. Where’s the milk?


      小学四年级英语 参考答案 201501


      一、(2’×6=12’) ABBAAB

      二、(2’×6=12’) 426351

      三、(2’×6=12’) ╳√√√╳╳

      四、(1’×4=4’) AAAB



      1.swim; 2.bedroom/ room; 3.panda; 4.bananas(必须是复数形式); 5.three(写成数字3不对)

      六、(2’×10=20’) AABAB BBABB

      七、(2’×6=12’) b f a e c d (写成大写字母不扣分)


      1. small; eyes; 2. any; twenty(写成数字20不对); 3. Can(必须大写); skate; can’t

      九、(1’×6=6’) would; like; else; How(必须大写); much; fifteen(写成数字15不对)

      十、(2’×5=10’) ╳ √ ╳ ╳ √





    ?pwd=wgkp 提取码: wgkp

    四年级|2016年|2015年|2014年|答案 2014学而思杯四年级英语.pdf|2014“学而思杯”深圳分校四年级英语试卷.pdf|14年4月学而思杯四年级.mp3|2015年学而思杯4年级英语试卷答案.pdf|2015年学而思杯4年级英语试卷.pdf|2015年学而思杯 4年级.mp3|【A3骑马钉 黑白打印】2016年学而思杯四年级英语试卷--真题.pdf|2016年学而思杯四年级英语试卷--真题答案.pdf|2016年学而思杯 四年级.mp3

    三、人教版小学四年级上册个单元英语试题 谢谢


    一、 听音,选出正确答案。(10分) ( )1. A. garden B. lunch C.canteen D.floor ( )2. A. music B. math C. English D. P.E. ( )3. A. nine B. eight C. six D. four ( )4. A. dinner B. lunch C. breakfast D. class ( )5. A. gym B. washroom C. computer D. playground

    二、听音,选出你听到的句子。(10分) ( )

    1.A. Where ‘s the canteen? B. Where’s the teacher’s office? C. Where’s the library? ( )

    2. A. It’s time for math class. B. It’s time to go home. C. It’s time to get up. ( )

    3.A. This is the teacher’s office. B. That is my classroom. C. This is our playground. ( )

    4.A. Is this your art room? B. Is that your music room? C. Is this your desk. ( )

    5. A. It’s 7:00. It’s time to go to school. B. It’s 8:00. It’s time for English. C. It’s 6:45. It’s time to get up.

    三、听问句,找答案并标号。(10分) ( )

    1. It’s time for math class. ( )

    2. The art room is on the second floor. ( )

    3. It’s eight o’clock. ( )

    4. Let’s go home. ( )

    5. This is the TV room.


    Look, this is my new classroom. There are ______ ______, _____ and ______ ______.

    There is a big _______. I ______ my classroom. Oh, It’s _____ _________. It’s time for ________ class.


    一、想一想,拼一拼,完成单词,并用直线连接其汉语意思(10分) A B 1. c___mputer 地板 1。 f___n 你的 2. l___ght 十 2. p___cture 图画 3. f___oor 电脑

    3. f___ve 五 4. t___n 音乐

    4. m___th 电扇 5. m___sic 灯

    5. y___ur 数学

    二、选择填空.(10分) ( )

    1. What time is it now? --_____________ A. That’s fine B. It’s 7:45 C. It’s time to go to school. ( )

    2.—Let’s go home. --____________! A. OK B. Thank you C. Bye ( )

    3. It’s on the ________ floor. A. I B. first C. / ( )

    4.It’s time ____ math class. A. for B. to C. on ( )

    5._________ the TV room? A. What’s B. Where’s C. Who’s ( )

    6. There are 2 _____. A. fans B. fan C. light ( )

    7. It’s on the second floor. A. in B. near C. on ( )

    8. –Is the your art room? --Yes, ________. A. they are B. it is C. it isn’t ( )

    9. School is _________. A. end B. up C. over ( )

    10. ___________ time is it? A. What B. Where C. When

    三、选出合适的答语。(10分) ( )

    1. What time is it? A. OK! ( )

    2. Where is the music room? B. Yes, it is. ( )

    3. Let’s go home. C. Yes, I have a library. ( )

    4. Is this your desk? D. It’s 9 o’clock. ( )5. Do you have a library? E. It’s on the first floor.

    四、找出错误,将序号填入括号中,并在原句改正(10分) ( )1. We have 2 light. A B C _________________________________________ ( )

    2. It’ time to math class. A B C ______________________________ ( )

    3. It’s on the one floor. A B C _________________________________________ ( )

    4. Time to lunch. A B C _________________________________________ ( )

    5. What’s time is it? A B C _________________________________________

    五、 翻译下列句子(10分)

    1. 那是我的图画 _______ is my ___________.

    2. 到了上语文课的时间了 It’s time __________ ___________ class.

    3. 这是一个讲台吗? 是,它是。 _______ this a ______ desk? Yes, it ________

    4. 几点了?9点了。 ______ ______ is it? It’s _____ o’clock.

    六、阅读短文并回答问题(10分) Sam comes from the USA. On weekdays, he gets up at about half past six and leaves home at half past seven. He usually walks to school. He get there at five to eight. There are four classes in the morning. He likes English, math and geography, but he likes Chinese best. He thinks Chinese is very interesting. There are two classes in the afternoon. After class he usually plays games. In the evening, he does his homework and watches TV. He goes to bed at about half past ten. 1. Where does sam come from? __________________________ 2. When does he get up on weekdays? ______________________________ 3. How does he go to school? ______________________________ 4. How many classes are there in a day? _________________________ 5. Which lesson does Sam like best?

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