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Near a big rock there is a bottle. Some water is in the bottle. A crow is hot and thirsty. He comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he can't drink the water ,beause the bottle neck is very long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. After a while, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck. The crow drinks the water. He is very happy.

1'CROW perishing with thirst saw a pitcher, and hoping to find water, flew to it with delight.

When he reached it, he discovered to his grief that it contained so little water that he could not possibly get at it. He tried everything he could think of to reach the water, but all his efforts were in vain.

At last he collected as many stones as he could carry and dropped them one by one with his beak into the pitcher, until he brought the water within his reach and thus saved his life.

Necessity is the mother of invention.
2'Near a big rock there is a bottle,some water is in the bottle, a craw is hot and thirsty , he comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but
he can't drink the water ,beause the bottle neck is veny long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. Aftre a while ,he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck.the craw drink the
water, he is veny happy.
3'A Crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a Pitcher which had once been full of water; but when THE Crow put its beak into the mouth of the Pitcher he found that only very little water was left in it, and that he could not reach far enough down to get at it. He tried, and he tried, but at last had to give up in despair. Then a thought came to him, and he took a pebble and dropped it into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped it into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into the Pitcher. At last, at last, he saw the water mount up near him, and after casting in a few more pebbles he was able to quench his thirst and save his life.


One summer, the crow's hometown was very dry. He could not find water everywhere. The crow decided to move to a new place, where there must be a clear stream. The crow flew for a long time and did not see the river. He feels so thirsty that he really wants to drink the water right away.

Suddenly, the crow saw a bottle on the ground. There was some water in the bottle. "At last there's water to drink!" The crow flew happily to the bottle. The crow reached his mouth into the bottle, but the bottle mouth was too small, and the water in the bottle was too low for the crow to drink.

The crow is in a hurry. How can we drink water?

The crow thought, "if the bottle is lower, it will drink water." As the crow thought, he picked up a stone and knocked it off. "No, no, if the bottle is broken, the water will run away." The crow threw away the pebble and thought, "if you can make the water rise to the mouth of the bottle,"

The crow fiddled with the pebble beside the bottle, and suddenly came up with a good idea: put some stones in the bottle, and the water will rise. The crow came with many small stones and carefully put them into the bottle. The water in the bottle gradually increased.

After a while, the water in the bottle rose to the mouth of the bottle, and the crow was very happy. He opened his mouth and had a big drink, cool and sweet, so comfortable. The crow took the wings and drank the water with a big mouth. After a while, he put some small stones in the bottle and continued to drink.

The crow drank the water and felt strong again. He's going to go on! After a long flight, the crow finally came to a beautiful place. There are clear rivers, green trees and beautiful flowers. The crow is very happy.







不一会儿,瓶子里的水就升到了瓶口,乌鸦开心极了。他张开嘴巴,欢快地喝了一大口,凉凉的、甜甜的,真舒服! 乌鸦拍着翅膀,大口大口地喝水。喝一会儿,他就往瓶子里放些小石子,然后继续大口喝水。



  • 寻找一篇乌鸦喝水的故事(英文版)。

  • 158文章网故事分享
  • 有一只乌鸦不好看,但特别聪明,智慧过人。一天,它干完活又累又渴,真想喝水。忽然,它看一只大水罐,满心欢喜。它飞到水罐旁,一看罐里的水不多了,嘴探进去也喝不到,怎么


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