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英语歌曲:The number song and Boys and girls.
Mother cat----M
Baby cat-----BA.
Today is a pleasant day. The sun is shining.The sky is clear and blue. And the clouds are drifting abou
t. The breeze is singing a sweet song. Birds are twittering. It's pleasing to the ear.The day is beauti
BA: Oh, Mummy. It's a fine day today. Let's go fishing, OK?'
M: OK, A good idea!
旁白:LIsten .The baby is too glad ot sing a song.
BA: 小猫蹦蹦跳跳的唱歌。The number song----let's go fishing.
旁白: They get to a little river.
BA: Mum, I think it's a good spot for fishing.
M: Good, I have the same idea.Let's sit here.OK?
旁白:They are setting their heart on fishing.Suddenly. There comes a dragonfly.
BA: Mum, A beautiful dragonfly.
M: Oh, dear.Be quiet!
BA: (冲妈妈7a64e4b893e5b19e365做鬼脸)(扑蜻蜓)
BA: (Sing a song)I'm a cat, you're a dragonfly,.......Do you want to play with me.......
D: Dear cat. I'm busy with my work. I've no time to play with you. I'm very sorry.
BA: NO time, no time,I don't believe.(垂头丧气而归)(回到妈妈身边)Wa! A fish. How large the fish is!
旁白:Look!There come a butterfly!(蝴蝶上)
BA: Butterfly sister. How are you?
BF: Fine, thank you. And you?
BA: Very well,thank you. The weather is warm. It's a lovely day. Let's sing and dance,OK?
BF: I'm sorry. Cat brother. I'm busy doing my work.
BA: Work, work,nothing is important than playing.THey are fools.(又垂头丧气而归)
BA: My god, Mum. You have caught another fish.You're great. But why I can't catch a little fish?
M: My dear. Fishing requires.You should concentrate your attention to fish.You want to make friends wit
h dragonfly.
While, you want to play with butterfly.You will catch no fish like this.
BA: Oh, I see! I see! (回到自己的座位上)
旁白: A dragonfly and butterfly are coming,
D: Hello! Cat brother. I'm free,now. Let's play.
C: Oh, no. THis time I want to fish.
BF:Hi! Cat brother.NOw, I can play with you.Let's dance.
BA: Shi!I'm fishing.(手势)
M: 妈妈冲着小猫点头微笑。
旁白:After a while, The baby cat has caught a large fish.
BA: Ha! Mummy!I have caught a fish,too.
(全体集中到台中央) Say together: Thank you for watching. Good-bye.(鞠躬,下)

Storyteller旁白,Little Cat小猫,Mum猫妈妈,e68a84e799bee5baa6361
Storyteller: Hello! everyone. Today I will tell you a story, its name is Little Cat Goes Fishing. One day, a little cat goes fishing with her mother.
Look! They’re coming!
( 小猫高高兴兴唱歌上场)
Cat: (兴奋地)Mum, Mum, come quick!
Mum:(急迫地)Oh, my dear! I’m coming!
Cat: (请求)I want to have lots of fish. Can I get lots of them, mum?
Mum: (语重心长)Of course, you can. So long as you keep your mind on fishing. Stop here! Let’s sit down and go fishing!
Cat:(欣然同意) All right!
Storyteller: Little Cat begins to catch the butterfly, but she can’t catch it.
Butterfly:(炫耀) I’m a Butterfly. I’m a beautiful Butterfly.
Cat: (羡慕)Oh, Butterfly! How beautiful!
Butterfly: (示威)I can fly, you can’t fly! Bye—bye. Little cat.
Storyteller: When the cat comes back, her mum catches a big fish.
Cat: (委屈)Mum, I have nothing.
Mum: (劝慰)You must concentrate your mind on fishing. Remember, fishing.
Cat:(点头) All right.
Storyteller: After a while, the Dragonfly is coming.
Dragonfly: (炫耀)I’m a Dragonfly. I’m a lovely Dragonfly.
Cat: (淘气)Ah, Dragonfly! Let’s ply together.
Storyteller: The Dragonfly flies away, the cat comes back sadly. And her mum gets many fish.
Cat: (撒娇地)Mum, Mum, give me! Give me!
Mum: (严厉地)Don’t touch it!
(语重心长地) Remember: You must concentrate your mind on fishing.
Storyteller: Little Cat is concentrating her mind on fishing. The Butterfly is coming, she doesn’t care her. The Dragonfly is coming, she doesn’t care her, either. Little Cat is fishing.
Cat: (高兴地)Oh. How many fish I have!
Mum: (由衷地)You’re a good baby!

Cat and kitten together in the river fishing. A dragonfly flying. Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan on Quzhuo dragonflies. Dragonflies flying away, kitten not Zhuozhao, fled back to the river. Kitten, one sees a cat catching a big fish. A moth flying. Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan and Quzhuo Butterfly. Butterfly flying away, kitten entered Zhuozhao, fled back to the river. Kitten, one sees a cat and a big fish catch. Kitty said : "ones, I can also catch a fish longer?
"Cat was looking at the kitten, said :" Fishing on fishing, not so hearted.
On catching dragonflies, while catching butterflies, how to catch a fish?
"Kitty heard repeated, it wholeheartedly angling. Also flying dragonflies, butterflies and flying, kitten as not to see. Little one, the kitten also catch a big fish.


  • 小猫钓鱼的故事英语版(加翻译)

  • 158文章网故事分享
  • 小猫钓鱼 道具:头饰、鱼杆、水桶、板凳。 录音:旁白音乐录音,泉水声、小鸟就声,蝴蝶、蜻蜓飞舞音乐。 人物:老猫,小猫、蜻蜓、蝴蝶、旁白者。 英语歌曲:The number song and Boy


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