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When the Yellow Emperor to select twelve animals served as the Imperial Guard, 

the cat with mouse for mice to forget, the cat did not choose, and from rat with friends. 

Elephants also come, rats were drilling nose, give away, the remaining animals, 

originally headed by pushing cattle, mice are up to the back of the ox and pig booing followed, 

so the mouse is discharged the first, pork chops at last. 

Tiger and dragon refuses to accept, 

was crowned the king of Wang Hehai, in the rat and bovine behind. Rabbit and refuses to obey, 

and race results ranked in the dragon's front. 

The dog is uneven, angrily bit rabbits, for this was sent in second from the bottom. Snake, horse, sheep, monkey, 

the chicken has also been a contest, one one scheduled position, finally formed a rat, ox, 

tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, pigs in the sequence.


大象也来参赛,被老鼠钻进鼻子,给赶跑了,其余的动物,原本推牛为首,老鼠却窜到牛背上,猪也跟着起哄 ,于是老鼠排第一,猪排最后。

















On the Lunar New Year story, is a very interesting topic, and the story is here, including the myths and legends, stories and so on.

In qualifying on the Chinese zodiac, why mouse small to large, it ranked first? First of all, let this issue of human philosophers and wise men of today's baffling: On the body, tiny mouse, people can play live to an open palm in the shares between the zodiac animals, it is the smallest a. ; Of brute force, with cattle strong, the mighty tiger, the dragon of the divine power, horses prance, it can not be the same day and language; on quality, ease of cattle, rabbits good, hard-working horse, the docile sheep, pigs Reality, it seems better than the rats many times; again on the wisdom of the smart monkey, a dog's intelligence, also in rats above. Said calmly, even the most vicious than anyone else, I am afraid that the snake is also the front row in the mouse. But the fact is that little mouse is the Zodiac's Top boss!7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad94339
This issue is still pending, it was said today that probably only one explanation: the guy in charge of the Chinese zodiac Ranking is corrupt corrupt officials, he collected the rats have done a great trading power for money benefits of color when , the first gold corona increases in non-German non-heads only a small mouse. This, of course, is just a far-fetched joke. But indeed, the human has never found a convincing explanation. However, human after all, is the most intelligent animals senior animals, many years identified in the Chinese zodiac, it is finally prepared a perhaps self-deception to justify folk tales to explain why the rats in the Chinese zodiac ranked first. This is called "the largest rat" stories circulating in the Central Plains area of Hunan, Hubei:
Mice and sheep, such as oxen and horses was elected after twelve zodiac, rats said: "I should put first." Cattle, horses, sheep and they are not convinced, saying: "You do what the first row?" Rat said: " I am, so I have to wait in the first. "simmer with laughter, such as oxen and horses laughed:" You have us do? "Mouse said:" We dispute several of the count, or people for it. "horses sheep, etc. agreed to allow council. So they discuss the way: leading by cattle, horses, sheep, mice successively one after another came from the streets to see how people's council.

In the streets, cattle came, people said: "This very strong head of cattle." Ma come, people said: "This horse really high." Sheep came, people said: "It is very fat sheep . "Finally, the rats cameflow freely, people can see out of the street suddenly a big mouse, are chasing it shouting:" Well you big a mouse, a rat big Yes! "This , horses sheep have nothing to say, let the mouse in the first.




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