真正的八公在1923年出生于日本秋田县大馆市,它的主人百是东京大学的上野英三郎博士,其在度1925年的5月去世,次日八公便返回涩谷火车站版,一等就是9年,八公死于1935年3月,如今权 有一座八公的铜像矗立在他常年等待的涩谷火车站外。
这部电影有英文名啊,Hachiko: A Dog's Story
never forget the people who love you
For decades such a love for dogs is almo
st a lifetime. What makes hachi so persis
tent, the station has shown signs of a col
d night in the Nama warm smile, like a da
y or after several years of careful accom
panied. The Bowl, the world, few can do?Why we are so touched by that kind of th
ing, which is rooted in our own can not d
o, for good hearts to the United States, e
veryone has, but who are willing to pay n
o regrets, who simply by virtue of movin
g Shengsixiangxu, always considered too
much. . . .Because most people love themselves m
ore, the vast majority of people's feelings
not as Bagong pure.A person who can love life, only to pay a f
riend, eat a food, only one thing. . . No, lif
e is complex, so we would not have to de
vote all one thing.Who is not the only, not always forever. .
. .Even if their own can not,Also "never forget the people who love y
ou."If you encounter "Hachiko" .Please be ki
nd to it.给点分数可以吗e79fa5e98193e78988e69d83338