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确实是《so in love》
So In Love

Spring summer fall winter dreams
Those are shinning like a star
They keep whispering
“I’m so in love with you”
Spring summer fall winter love
It is breezing to my heart
and it keeps telling
“I’m make you rainbow smile”
*I remember when we were angels
When we dream about us
All my days were happy
Just like a snowy Christmas
I wish I’d have them always
Every step I make writes a story
It is full of the heart
Feeling love of my life and missing friends of my time
I wish I’d have them all*
Spring summer fall winter days
When we showing all their heart
Love shines in my eyes
Let us feel the ways
If you love we show we the world
We loving sail in love
All my days we went just like a snowy Christmas
Here just for running



《爱在哈佛》的主题曲叫:636f70797a64332so in love
歌曲名字:so in love
演唱:Kim Jeong-woon

Spring,summer,fall & winter dreams

Those are shining like a star
They keep whispering
I’m so in love with you
Spring,summer ,fall & winter love
It is breezing to my heart
And it keeps telling
I’ll make you rainbow smile
I remember when we were angels
When we dreamed about us
All my days were happy
Just like a snow Christmas
I wish I’d have them always
Every step I make writes a story
It is full of the heart
Feeling love of my life
And missing friends of my time
I wish I’d have them all
Spring,summer,fall & winter days
we've been sharing all the hearts
Love shines in my eyes
Love just won’t fade away
I remember when we were angels
When we dreamed about us
All my days were happy
Just like a snow Christmas
I wish I’d have them always
Every step I make writes a story
It is full of the heart
Feeling love of my life
And missing friends of my time
I wish I’d have them all
If you'd all the way show me the world
where I will stay in love
All my days will be white
Just like a snowy Christmas
You’re just all I need
<哈佛爱情故事7a64e59b9ee7ad94362>主题曲<So In Love>歌词
Spring, summer, falling winter dream
Those are shinning like a star
They keep whispering,
“I’m so in love with you”

Spring, summer, falling winter love..
It is breezing to my heart
and it keeps telling,
“I’ll make you rainbow smile”

★ I remember when we were angels,
when we dreamed about us
All my days were happy
just like a snowy christmas
I wish I’d have them always..
Every step I make writes a story
It is full of the heart
feeling love of my life and
missing friends of my time
I Wish I’d have them all.. ★

Spring, summer, falling winter days..
we’ve been sharing all the hearts
love shines in my eyes
love just won’t fade away


If you’d all the way show me the world
Where I will stay in love
All my days will be white
Just like a snowy christmas
You’re just all I need

Spring, summer, fall & winter dreams..
春天 夏天 秋季 冬季 里的梦想
Those are shinning like a star
They keep whispering,
"I'm so in love with you" :
Spring, summer, fall & winter love..
it is breezing to my heart
and it keeps telling,
"I'll make you rainbow smile"
I remember when we were angels,
when we dreamed about us
All my days were happy
just like a snowy christmas
I wish i'd have them always..
Every step i make writes a story
It is full of the heart
feeling love of my life and
missing friends of my time
I Wish i'd have them all..




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