最开始女主人骑车买东西回家 看见路边有只蜻蜓 后来撞到男主 给他创可贴。露出了MM 称女主回头的时候 脱下连衣裙。露出 。 后来主动脱下,。。开始XXOO
Paul has a red bicycle. He loves his red bicycle. He got the red bicycle for his ninth birthday. His parents gave him his bike when he was nine. He takes care of his bike. He puts air in both tires. He puts air in the front tire. He puts air in the rear tire. He puts oil on the bike chain. He wipes dirt off the bike with a damp rag. He puts water on the rag and wipes all the dirt away. He rides his bike everywhere. He rides it to school. He rides it to the library. He rides it to his friend's house. He really loves his bike.