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熊猫看起来像滑稽的熊,但是它们。。。想了解更多关于熊猫的事情吗?请来我们的动物课堂。你也可以在我们动物园见到2只新来的熊猫。一只是小宝宝,而另一只是妈妈。这两只可爱的动物都来自中国。5-8岁小孩在11月15日下午1点半可以来免费参观。如果有任何疑问可拨打动物园电话873 7391.来加入我们把,了解更多关于熊猫的故事

Pandas are famous for their black and white markings.The legs,shoulders,ears and oval patches around the eyes are black,and the rest of the coat is white.Good tree climbers,pandas can also swim to escape predators.Pandas use an enlarged wrist bone that looks like a thumb to grasp objects like bamboo.Scientists disagree about whether the giant panda is closely related to bears or raccoons or is separate from both.



Legend, there are four young shepherdess is rescued from a hungry leopard, a panda and was killed.Other pandas after hearing it, decided to hold a funeral in honour of the four girls, at that time, the giant panda was Snow White, not a piece of black stripes, in order to show the respect of the victims, the pandas are wearing black armbands to attend the funeral.In this touching funeral, the pandas are sad tears, tears of them was blended with black armbands on under drip together, they, dyed black is out of the big eyespots, they have to pull my ears grief in cry, the result appears black stripes.The pandas are these black spots not only be preserved in the wake of the four girls miss, at the same time, also want to let their children remember what had happened.They put the four shepherdess became a four peak of the mountain.The mountain stands near the sichuan wolong nature reserve in China right now And also from the ancient time, the giant panda is the mount of huanglong, it often carry the authority huanglong, exorcism magic.One day, the yellow dragon a presentiment to major changes in the earth, and then things change, predators will struggle to survive, to persuade the panda repair heart's a vegetarian.Gentle giant pandas follow the huanglong to persuade, to eat arrow bamboos.Later geological changes, and the panda belong to predators stegodon, saber-toothed tiger because of food shortages, gradually died out, but to eat arrow bamboos of the giant panda to adapt to the environment survive and become a living fossil of rare treasures, paleontology.


  • 有关熊猫的故事500字(英文)带翻译

  • 158文章网故事分享
  • 熊猫看起来像滑稽的熊,但是来它们。。。想了解更多关于熊猫的事情吗?请来我们的动物课堂。你也可以在我们动物园见到2只新来源的熊猫。一只是小宝宝,而另一只是妈妈。这两只
  • 谁有一些关于大熊猫的传说

  • 158文章网故事分享
  • 传说:早在200万年以前,在中国就出现了大熊猫的群体,那时叫“貔貅”。据说在4000多年前四川龙安州(今平武县)的人民,曾把大熊猫献给治水有功的禹王。《诗经》中也提到过大熊


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