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The Dragon Boat Festival every the 5th day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, also called duanyangjie, afternoon day festival, May Festival etc.. "Dragon Boat Festival" is one of the national holidays in China, and has been included in the world intangible cultural heritage list. The Dragon Boat Festival originated in China, originally China people's illnesses and epidemic prevention before the Spring Festival, Wu Yue in the 5th day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar in the form of dragon boat races held tribal totem worship custom; after the poet Qu Yuan died on this day, became China people to commemorate Qu Yuan's traditional festival.

英文:The Dragon Boat Festival, originating from China.

was originally a festival for ancient people to sacrifice to the dragon ancestors in the form of dragon boat RACES. 

Because of the warring states period in the Dragon Boat Festival, the poet qu yuan jumped into the miluo river to commit suicide. Individual places also have memorial wu zixu, cao e and jie zitui, etc.

In general, the Dragon Boat Festival originated from the dragon totem sacrifice, the Dragon Boat Festival as "evil moon evil day" from the north.

into the summer season "disease prevention" fashion, attached to commemorate qu yuan jumped into the river and other historical figures to commemorate the content, and finally form the Dragon Boat Festival cultural connotation today.




Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu Festival) is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.

Legends about Dragon Boat Festival.There are many different legends about the festival, but the most famous one is about Qu Yuan,a patriotic poet in ancient China.

Eating Zongzi.Zongzi is a kind of food made with sticky rice and is wrapped withreed or bamboo leaves. It has different shapes and fillings. In the northern part of China, people use red jujube as fillings. In the southern part of China, people use beans, fresh meat, or egg yolk as fillings.

Dragon Boat Racing.Dragon boats look like Chinese dragons. A team of people row a dragon boat together. At the front of the boat, one team member beats a drum to encourage histeammates.It is said that the winning team will bring luck and happiness to the people of their village.









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