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Qu Yuan (about before 304 - 278 years ago)

战国末期楚国人,杰出的政治家和爱国诗人.名平,字原.楚武王熊通之子屈瑕的后代.丹阳(今湖北秭归)人. Chu late Warring States Period, outstanding politician and patriotic poet. Civilians, the original word. Chu Wu Yu-Xiong son flexor blemish for future generations. Danyang (this Zigui in Hubei Province) people.

屈原是我国第一位伟大的爱国主义诗人,他开创了诗歌从集体歌唱转变为个人独立创作的新纪元,是我国积极浪漫主义诗歌传统的奠基人,"世界四大文化名人"(另有波兰的哥白尼、英国的莎士比亚、意大利的但丁)之一. Qu Yuan was one of China's first great poet of patriotism, he created a poetry from the collective singing into a new era of creative personal independence, China is actively traditional founder of Romantic poetry, "the world's four major cultural celebrities" (otherwise Poland Copernicus, the British Shakespeare, Italy the Dante) one.

屈原一生经历楚威王,楚怀王, Qu Yuan's experiences Chu-wei Wang, King,
顷襄王三个时期,而主要活动在楚 Hectare entered three times, and the main activities in Chu
怀王时期.他对内辅佐怀王变法图 Huai WANG period. He Reform of domestic accessory huai WANG
强,对外积极主张联齐抗秦.后因 A strong advocate of positive external Qi Gang Qin. Due to
小人诬陷,被怀王疏远,并两次遭 The small-framed, was huai WANG alienation, and two were
放逐.第一次在怀王时期,被流放 Exile. Huai WANG in the first period, he was exiled
到汉北;第二次在顷襄王时期,被流放到沅,湘一带.最 Han to the North; In hectare entered the second period and was banished to the Yuan, Hunan area. Most
后,在无可奈何之际,他自沉汨罗江,以明其忠贞爱国的 Later, in a time when no alternative, since Shen Miluo River of his loyalty to the motherland.
的情怀. The sentiments.
屈原的作品有《离骚》,《天问》,《九歌〉,《九 Qu Yuan's works, "Li Sao", "Heaven", "Nine Songs>" 9
章〉,《招魂》等.大体说来,《离骚》,《天问》, Chapter> "spirits." Overall, "Li Sao", "Heaven",
《九歌》可以作为屈原作品三种类型的代表.《九章》 "Nine Songs" Qu Yuan's works can be used as three types of representatives. "IX"
与《离骚》类似,重在表现作者内心的情愫.《天问〉 "Lament" similar, focusing on the performance of the author inner sincerity. "Heaven>
是屈原根据神话,传说材料创作的诗篇,以问语一连向 Qu Yuan is the myth, legend creation of the poem, asked to language row
苍天提出了172个问题,涉及了天文,地理,文学,哲学 Heavens to the 172 issue involving the astronomy, geography, literature, philosophy
等许多领域,表现了诗人对传统观念的大胆怀疑和追求 , And many other fields, a performance poet on traditional concepts and the bold pursuit of suspected
真理的科学精神.《九歌》是楚国祭神乐曲,经屈原加 The truth of the scientific spirit. "Nine Songs" is the finest piece of Chu, and the Yuan
工润色而成,充满浓厚的生活气息. The refined form, a strong appreciation of life.
屈原是中国文学史上第一位伟大的爱国诗人.他的作 Qu Yuan was one of China's literary history of the great patriotic poet. For his
品开创了我国诗歌的浪漫主义传统.他的崇高精神和巍 Commodities created a tradition of Romantic poetry. His lofty spirit and Wei
巍人格千百年来感召和哺育着无数中华儿 .人民永远景 Wei personality to inspire thousands of numerous Chinese and nursing infants. People will always be King
仰他,热爱他.中国民间5月5端午节包粽子,赛龙舟的 Yang him, love him. Chinese Folk Festival-May 5 Ancients, the dragon-boat race
习俗就是源于对他的纪念. Customs is the origin of his Memorial.

屈原是中国文学史上第一位伟大的爱国诗人.是浪漫主义诗人的杰出代表.作为一位杰出的政治家和爱国志士,屈原爱祖国爱人民,坚持真理,宁死不屈的精神和他"可与日月争光"的巍巍人格,千百年来感召和哺育着无数中华儿女,尤其是当国家民族处于危难之际,这种精神的感召作用就更加明显.作为一个伟大的诗人,屈原的出现,不仅标志着中国诗歌进入了一个由集体歌唱到个人独创的新时代,而且他所开创的新诗体——楚辞,突破了《诗经》的表现形式,极大地丰富了诗歌的表现力,为中国古代7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e365的诗歌创作开辟了一片新天地.后人也因此将《楚辞》与《诗经》并称为"风,骚"."风,骚"是中国诗歌史上现实主义和浪漫主义两大优良传统的源头.同时,以屈原为代表的楚辞还影响到汉赋的形成. Qu Yuan was one of China's literary history of the great patriotic poet. Romantic poet is an outstanding representative. As an outstanding politician and patriotic Patriots, Qu Yuan love the motherland and the people, upholding truth and the spirit and to submit his "Sun and the Moon and brought glory to" Towering personality, inspiring thousands of years and feeding the countless sons and daughters of China, especially when the nation is in danger, this spirit of moving on the more visible role. as a great poet, Qu Yuan the emergence of Chinese poetry not only marks the beginning of a collective singing from the colleagues in the new era, and he created by the new Poetry - Songs of the South, breaking the "Book of Songs" manifestations, greatly enriching the performance of poetry, the Poetry of Ancient China opened up a new horizon. successors will therefore "Songs of the South" and "The Book of Songs" and called "Wind, showmanship." "Wind, show" Poetry is the history of realism and romanticism two fine traditions sources. Meanwhile, a representative of Qu Yuan Chu also affects the formation of Han Fu.

In the history of China, Qu Yuan is a most people admire and love poet. According to "Qi added harmonic mind" and "Geography of the Sui Dynasty" set, Qu Yuan May 5 for the Lunar Jiang himself. Chinese Folk Festival May 5 packet Ancients, dragon-boat race on the custom of people from the right to commemorate Qu Yuan M , Qu Yuan was also classified as the world "four celebrity culture," one by the World Peace Council and the people of the world the solemn commemoration



  • 爱国诗人屈原的故事语音

  • 158文章网故事分享
  • 我为屈原感到惋惜,虽然胸怀大志,但是机遇甚少.他爱国忧民,但老天弄人来,有了用武之地,却又似梦一场.英雄无用武之地,就像金源子被永远埋在地下,再无发光之时.我敬佩他那颗爱国之心


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