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The Japanese tea ceremony action is complicated and long, the most stringent tea ceremony lasted for four hours. Japanese tea drink is tea powder brewing tea, the tea ceremony is a key step in the tea tea mix, called tea. The old way of tea drinking in the Tang and Song Dynasties, still retains many legacy. From a bowl of tea, looking for Tang relique. The first step of Tang Dynasty is the processing of tea, the tea cake baked sweet after grinding into tea powder; and the key is to use iron to boil water, decocting, pay attention to water quality, water temperature.
In Hubei Enshi, a long history of tea soup. Legend, once some people try the tea deep fried, add to the soup boil, then treating damp heat diseases brought by the. In the poor time, tea also has a meat substitute, as the special purchases for the Spring Festival, appeared in thirty years of oil soup. Steaming green Green Tea technology of Enshi, can bring green and fresh taste more pure. Fixing the tea in baking oven fifty to eighty degrees Celsius, hanging hand rub, dispersal work first, then, is the tea plastic glazing. In 1.5 hours of pure Handmade, tea out fragrance, into the pine needle shape, this is the famous Enshi gyokuro.
Chaozhou Kung Fu tea is known as "the living fossil China tea culture". In Chaozhou, tea is the high streets and back lanes popular art, is a part of life in Chaozhou. Chaozhou is one of the most often bubble Fenghuang Dancong tea, this tea was produced in Chaozhou named Lantau Peak. In Lantau Peak, more than two hundred years old in the old tea has Sanqianqibaiduo tree. Fenghuang Dancong is semi fermented Oolong Tea, to flavor diversity. Learn to make tea, tea, tea, in fact is the heart, can be a lifetime.
Over the past one thousand years, people in the East in a bowl of water, to realize the true meaning of life, the people of the Tang Dynasty tea, sung made note of drink, Ming Dynasty changed the traditional tea, taste the tea liquor fragrance, while the Japanese tea ceremony in the tradition, the influence of the national spirit. Years into the taste of tea, tea fragrance emitting a soul. Each tea, but in practice, their own tea.
In nineteenth Century, Fujian Black Tea and Oolong Tea swept the world, tea mostly sold to Britain, the main transport carrying tea is a clipper ship. The flying shear shipping tea, winning a fast. The traditional sailing from China to Europe to go for one year, and then the fastest flying shear ships need fifty or sixty days. Yun tea range, at the cost of the life of gambling, the arrival of the first clipper ship will receive excess profits in london. Then, each household income should be 1/10 to buy tea. The nation from the understanding of tea to fall madly in love with tea, only less than two hundred years. And let people know the value of the British tea, is a Portuguese princess, she is the first tea queen, in 1662. Tea queen on British society dumping, she brought tea fashion 400 years.
At the beginning of seventeenth Century, Green Tea was brought to Europe, people generally think it tastes more like drugs, rather than drink. Initially, tea appeared in Europe in the drugstore, because the price is expensive, is packaged into bags for sale. The Europeans have Green Tea as a Oriental dianthera, the earliest export to Europe of usnic Green Tea produced in Anhui Xiuning China usnic tea, mature technology in the early Ming dynasty. Today, organic Green Tea Anhui from Xiuning, is still a large number of exports, tea is the end of europe. Every cup of tea the British drink came from overseas. India, Sri Lanka and Kenya tea, high quality and inexpensive, the British did not worry tea. Earlier, British people try to kind of tea, but because of the high latitude and cold climate, is not conducive to the growth of tea, failed, in three hundred years, the UK no people tea. Tea cultivation, tea is the dream of many. For almost ten years, the construction of the British Jonathan Tiger Sinan tea garden to harvest the first season of tea, although the output is very low, people know very little, but the only British tea, let the people drink their tea in britain. More than 400 kilometers outside of London, Queen Memorial tea preparation work goes on, for more than 100 years, the Chuan Ning family for the British Royal special tea, each section are the one and only. More than a hundred years ago popular tea dance, extinct today has close. London's Hilton Wolf Hotel, held once a month the tea party, is the only UK a retain the old tea custom five Stars Hotel.
Tea is the best partner, people enjoy the afternoon sun. The British cup, had ups and downs, the hidden land and sea. A major meeting of East and West, affected the progress of human civilization. Today, tea is no longer the world changing commodity, it return to its roots, a kind of artistic way of life, a spiritual communication.




  • 茶,一片树叶的故事的播出信息

  • 158文章网故事分享
  • 茶,世界三百大非酒精类饮料之首,“茶圣”陆羽眼中的人类生存第一要义,度《中国科技史》作者李约瑟博士称之为中国对世界的第五大贡献。于11月18日问22:40登陆CCTV-1《魅力纪录》
  • 茶,一片树叶的故事的分集介绍

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  • 2013年11月18日―26日,中央电视台copy综合频道(CCTV-1)《魅力纪录》栏目(每天22:30)(1―6集) 2013年11月27日―12月3日,中央电视台纪录频道(百CCTV-9)《特别呈现》时段(每天度22
  • CCTV播出的《茶,一片树叶的故事》

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  • http://site.douban.com/dingqiao/?from=6&typed=1《茶,一片树叶的故事》是一部全面探寻世界茶文化的纪录片。本片纪录了生活在世界上不同国家的几十位茶人知的故事,他们的汗水、旅程、喜悦、
  • 茶,一片树叶的故事的剧情简介

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  • 中国被称为茶的故乡,不仅因为这里的土地孕育出世界最早的茶树,更因为这里的人们将茶视为一种沟通天地的生命。 每年三月,云南景迈山芒景村的苏国文都要和家人一起赶制春茶。


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