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Arachne lived in a small village on the shores of the Mediterranean1. Her parents were very poor. While her mother was busy cooking the simple meals for the family, or working in the fields, Arachne used to spin all day long Her wheel made a steady whirring like the buzzing of some insect. She grew so skillful from constant practice, that the threads she drew out were almost as fine as the mists that rose from the sea near by. 


One day Arachne's father, who was a fisher-man, came home with his baskets full of little shell-fish, which were of a brightcrimson2(深红色)7a64e78988e69d83336 or purple color. He thought the color of the little shellfish so pretty that he tried the experiment of dyeing Arachne's wools with them. The result was the most vivid hue3 that had ever been seen in any kind of woven fabric4.


After this, Arachne's tapestries5(挂毯)always showed some touch of the new color. They now found a ready sale, and, in fact, soon became famous. Arachne's family moved to a much larger house. Her mother did not have to work in the fields any more, nor was her father any longer obliged to go out in his boat to catch fish.


Arachne, herself, became as her tapestries. She heard admiring words on every side, and her head was a little turned by them. When, as often happened, people praised the beautiful color that had been produced by the shell-fish, she did not tell how her father had help her, took all the credit to herself. While she was weaving, a group of people often stood behind her loom6, watching the pictures grow.


One day she overheard someone say that even the great goddess, Minerva, the patron goddess of spinning, could not weave more beautiful tapestries than this fisherman's daughter. This was a very foolish thing to say, but Arachne thought it was true, true. She heard another say that Arachne wove so beautifully that she must have been taught by Minerva herself.


Now, the truth is, that Minerva had taught Arachne.





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