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月桂女神嘛~~~被丘比特乱放箭,阿波罗爱上她,她却不爱他,搞得最后变成了月桂树~~~两个人就这样活生生地分开了~~ 还有风信子,阿波罗爱上的美少年,后被西风之神妒忌他选了阿波罗而不选他,于是便杀了他

The Tale of the White Snake
There is a very famous traditional Chinese love story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Long, long ago, two snakes, one was called White Lady and another was her sister, called Xiao Qing, lived on E’mei Mountain. White Lady was willing to repay Xu Xian for her life before 500 years ago. Then they turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou.
Outside the city gate, but still not far from the West Lake, there was a medicine shop run by a young man named Xu Xian. He was admired in the neighborhood for his diligence and honesty. His parents had died some years before and he remained unmarried. On the day of the Pure Brightness Festival, he got up very early and, according to the custom, set out to visit his parent’s graves, taking with his sacrificial offerings. At the Broken Bridge, he happened upon White Lady. Being so attracted to each other, Xu Xian and White Lady fell in love and they were soon married.
The new-weds moved to Suzhou where they opened an medicine shop and did many significant and meaningful things to the local citizens. They sold a lot of their own drugs in the form of powders and plasters. A board saying “e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d83365Free Medicine for the Poor” was hung above the door. They got on well with the neighborhood and lived a comfortable life. They loved each other deeply and got a lovely son named Xu Shilin.
But the monk, named Fa Hai, who came from the Jinshan Temple, kept making White Lady die. After several twists and turns, White Lady was enclosed in his magic alms-bowl and buried under the Leifeng Temple at the side of the West Lake. He made them apart and they had no chance to meet.
After 18 years, their son, Xu Shilin, took the traditional Chinese examination and got the champion. He strove for saving his mother out of the Temple.

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  • 英文版爱情故事

  • 158文章网故事分享
  • 月桂女神嘛~~~被丘比特乱放箭,阿波罗爱上她,她却不爱他,搞得最后变成了月桂树~~~两个人就这样活生生地分开了~~ 还有风信子,阿波罗爱上的美少年,后被西风之神妒忌他选了阿波罗而不选
  • 经典的爱情故事〔英文〕

  • 158文章网故事分享
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