您的位置:158文章网 > 故事分享 > 以童话《小红帽》为题目,写一篇英语童话故事(200词左右)。急用,谢谢大家!




这是两篇: 《1》 人们都想在事业或学业上有所成就,但是,只有一部分人取得了胜利,而相当一部 分人却陷入失败的若痛之中。这是为说“功到自然成”。按理说那些失败者完全可以尝到胜利的喜悦,但他们往往缺少一种 胜利的必要条件,...

Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf.

That's a good idea.

Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some?



The wolf went to her grandma's house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole.

What are you doing, dear grandma?

I'm just waiting to eat you, silly girl.

In grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma's ears, eyes and mouth were all very big.

z~ z~ z~

The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep.

Thank you, sir.

A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.

z ~ z ~ z ~

Once upon a time... 英语童话故事:小e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94365红帽
There lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had made for her a little red riding-hood; which became the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding-Hood.
One day her mother, having made some custards, said to her:
"Go, my dear, and see how thy grandmamma does, for I hear she has been very ill; carry her a custard, and this little pot of butter."
Little Red Riding-Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.
As she was going through the wood, she met with Gaffer Wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some faggot-makers hard by in the forest. He asked her whither she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and hear a wolf talk, said to him:
"I am going to see my grandmamma and carry her a custard and a little pot of butter from my mamma."
"Does she live far off?" said the Wolf.
"Oh! ay," answered Little Red Riding-Hood; "it is beyond that mill you see there, at the first house in the village."
"Well," said the Wolf, "and I'll go and see her too. I'll go this way and you go that, and we shall see who will be there soonest."
The Wolf began to run as fast as he could, taking the nearest way, and the little girl went by that farthest about, diverting herself in gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and making nosegays of such little flowers as she met with. The Wolf was not long before he got to the old woman's house. He knocked at the door--tap, tap.


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