Tiramisu originated from the battlefield soldiers before, worried because no time the lover of baked elegant cake, had to land on the egg mixture he cocoa article cake made a rough snacks, and full head big sweat to the hands of soldiers, she hung with sweat, tears across the pass though food is simple, but deliver enjoyable fragrant, full of deep love. So the tiramisu paste one of the meaning is \"remember me\". Like a person, to go to the ends of the earth, and not just let him remember, so, tiramisu and a meaning is \"take me go.\" Tiramisu and a little-known legend, legend tiramisu paste is one belongs to love dessert, and eat it, will hear the call of the love.
Some say Tiramisu was first made by the women of Northern Italy to give their
men folk as they went off to war, the bitter-sweet taste alluding to the feeling
of love itself; a poignant memory of loved ones far away for those going off to
die. Others say that Venetian women used it as a night time treat-the energy
kick of caffeine providing a couple with the strength to endure a hot and heavy
lovemaking session.
关于提拉米苏的由来,流传过许许多多不同的故事,比较温馨的说法是二战时期,一个意大利士兵即将开赴战场,可是家里已经什么也没有了,爱他的妻子为了给他准备干粮,把家里所有能吃的饼干、面包全做进了一个糕点里,那个糕点就叫提拉米苏。每当这个士兵在战场上吃到提拉米苏就会想起他的家,想起家中心爱的人……提拉米苏Tiramisu,在意大利文里,有 “ 带我走 ” 的含义,带走的不只是美味,还有爱和幸福。一层浸透了咖啡与酒、质感和海绵蛋糕有点像的手指饼干,一层混合了Mascarponecheese(最适合专门用来做Tiramisu的芝士)、蛋、鲜奶油和糖的芝士糊,层层叠上去e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94361,上头再撒一层薄薄的可可粉……这就是提拉米苏Tiramisu。它以咖啡的苦、蛋与糖的润、甜酒的醇、巧克力的馥郁、手指饼干的绵密、乳酪和鲜奶油的稠香、可可粉的干爽,只用了不到十种材料,把
“ 甜 ” 以及甜所能唤起的种种错综复杂的体验,交糅着一层层演绎到极致。传说提拉米苏是一款属于爱情的甜品,吃到它的人,会听到爱神的召唤。