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Hi everyone, today i'm here to give you a pre-class speech, and i will tell you a little story :

Once upon a time, a pretty girl was born in an age of empire, but unfortunately her mother died soon after she was born, her father was a pitiless man, and immediately married a new woman, who is the little girl's stepmother. The stepmother was vicious and wanted to murder the little girl. The maid of this family liked the little girl very much, so he took the girl to a cottage in the middle of a forest. There was nobody in the little cottage, but there was a bed and some food, after the girl ate and drunk, she had a good sleep. Suddenly, seven men broke into the cottage, their arguing woke the girl up, it turned out to be that the cottage belonged to the seven men, but after a discussion between them they decided to let the girl live with them, with the conditions that she has to cook, make the beds, wash up, tidy up for them. The girl cleaned up the house like a maid everyday, in the meantime her stepmother found out her hiding place, so she tried to murder the little girl several times, fortunately the girl was rescued every time. Finally the girl had a taste of sweetness after all the difficult times of her life -- she met a prince and became his queen, and they had a sweet life ever since.

Now who knows the original name of this story? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

And there you have my speech, thank you all~e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193365


  • 英语故事(翻译)

  • 158文章网故事分享
  • Hi everyone, today im here to give you a pre-class speech, and i will tell you a little story :Once upon a time, a pretty girl was born in an age of e


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