那棵树 十几年的经历让我不禁觉得,本该精复彩的人生却淡制而无味。每一天都在重复着同样百枯燥的事情,让我厌烦。 经历过几次不顺心的度事,我开始想逃离这尘世。 我对母亲说:“我问不想再这样下去了。再多的努力看来也只是徒劳,那么多人在我之上。答我不...
Chinese science and Technology Museum edit China science and Technology Museum is China association directly affiliated institutions, is China's only national comprehensive science and technology museum. Is the implementation of rejuvenating the strategy and improve the scientific and cultural level of the whole nation's basic science facilities. The first phase of the project completed and opened to the public on September 22, 1988, the two phase of the project completed and opened to the public on April 29, 2000. The main form of education China science and Technology Museum for exhibition and education, the contents of the exhibition through the combination of science, knowledge, interest and participation in the form of interaction, reflect the scientific principle and technology, to encourage the public to explore the practice, not only the popularization of scientific knowledge, but also focus on cultivating the audience of scientific thought, scientific method and scientific spirit.