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学习英语的十大方法 1,“懂语法”“会翻译” “能背诵”是英语学习最有效的方法 。2,只有朗读才能把语法变成语感;没有第二条出路。3,“结构清,句意明,理解zhidao快,背诵易”4,“读准单词比背诵更重要,小笔记本随身带。5,“自己挑选生词记忆,抄写的过程就是记忆的贵过程。6.连续编号,增加成就感。7,“单项可以少做,但不可以少背”。8,语法一定要当下消化。9每篇阅读理解至少背诵两个以上的难句。10,将作文反复中英文互译。 “我要做到每天三到四个五分钟” “一背解千愁”

I Learn English Like This

English is very important for us. Everyone wants to learn it well. My English is very good. How do I learn English?
First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class. I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after class.
Second, I like speaking English withmy classmates, not only in classroom, but also on the playground. It's to improve my spoken English.
Third, I keep a diary every day to practise my written English.
Besides this, I often read English newspapers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture.


Improve Your English Through Practice
After2 or3 years' English learning, you will probably wonder how to further improve your English. When you speak, do not translate what you want to say from Chinese into English. If you do, you'll get mixed up in some usages①. You'll consider“wait”as a transitive ② verb, for instance. You'll never add “to”after“listen”,but you might write “sheeps” for the plural form, though you know they're wrong when the mistakes are pointed out.
Therefore, to improve your English, you need to practise your spoken English, and think in English. That is to say, you should build up your sense of the English language.
Grasp any chance to speak English. When you see a desk, for example, have the word in your mind; say“What's the time? It's….”when you see a clock. In this way, you'll be able to learn with ease and use with freedom. For example, you'll be able to tell that“Korea Lies to the east of China.”but“Guangzhou Likes in the south of China.”without hard thinking.
We're learning English as a foreign Language. It is true that we cannot learn it without any grammatical rules. But, your sense of grammatical rules comes from constant③ use of language. It's unnecessary to recite the rules and apply④ the rules in speaking. In a word, you will improve your English only by opening your mouth to practise. Practice makes perfect.
“What if I make mistakes in speaking English?”Do not worry. You needn't be afraid of making mistakes. Even when people speak their native language, they may make various kinds of mistakes! Further, many kinds of mistakes will be rubbed off in the process of learning through practice.


  • 有关学习方法的英语作文带翻译

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 学习英语的十大方法 1,“懂语法”“会翻译” “能背诵”是英语学习最有效的方法 。2,只有朗读才能把语法变成语感;没有第二条出路。3,“结构清,句意明,理


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