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英语作文 A trip to …



A trip to Beidaihe

I went to Beidaihe with my parents last summer. The bird were singing and the sun was shining that day. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. When we arrived ,there were thousands of people on the beach. We walked on the beach for about an hour and picked up lots of beautiful shells. Then we built a sand castle. We also swam in the sea and went boating. When it was noon, we ate delicous sea food in a big restaurant. We took lots of photos,too. We didn't go home until 4:00. Although we were tired, we felt very happy. What an interesting trip!


题目:A trip to the zoo
Last week, I went to a zoo with my friends. We took an interesting and exciting trip there. I saw many different kinds of animals such as tigers, lions, monkeys, rabbits and so on. The most beautiful animal was the panda. I was amazed when I saw the monkey show. I talked about these interesting things to my friends, and we took a lot of photos. I really enjoyed my trip to the zoo. I think I will go to the zoo again in the future. (86字)

Last summer holiday, I went to Great Wall with my parents. Though this wasn't my first visit there, I still felt excited, because it was a symbol of China. We began our tirp under the sunshine, which let us feel very hot. With the help of guide, we finally got to the top of the Great Wall. All the mountains were under my feet when we looked around, which made me to feel that I was a real hero. It was a great trip that I would never forget it.


  • 英语作文 A trip to …

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • A trip to BeidaiheI went to Beidaihe with my parents last summer. The bird were singing and the sun was shining that day. It took us about an hour to


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