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Mom is the person I like most. Mom is always very kind to me and dad. Mom has paid too much for my growth. When I am sick, mom always take care of me. Even at night she could not sleep well, becuase she always gets up to see how I am. I owe a lot to mom. I swear after I am grown up I will work hard to earn more, and make a happy life for mom and dad.
i love that day the most.
I spend a wonderful weekend last week. Last Saturday monring, we got up very early. Mother and father wanted us to climb the mountains. We rode a bike and went to the mountains. We had very delicious food on our bikes. We climbed and climbed, at last we climbed on the mountains. We saw very beautiful sky and cloud and trees and flowers there. Then we went home and everyone had a wonderful day!



第二段要对人物有个背景介绍(出生日期和出生地等),接下来应在第二段用大篇幅介绍人物事迹,比如:哪一年取得的奖项或者成绩 ,这个人在取得成绩过程中付出的努力等。



Who is your favourite person? I like Zhang Yining best. She is a famous ping-pong player. Now I will tell you something about her. 


Zhang Yining was born on October 5, 1982 in Beijing. When she was 6, she began to play ping-pong. In 1991, she joined the provincial table-tennis team. In 1993, she entered the national team. She always worked hard, and she never gave up. So at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, she won the gold medal of Women's Singles. It was the hundredth gold medal thatChinagot at the Olympic Games. Before this, she and Wang Nan won a gold medal together. She was the third player who obtained two gold medals at the same Olympics in ping-pong. Before her, only Deng Yaping and Wang Nan could do that. 


So I think she is very great. We are all proud of her. We should learn from her.





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