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  • Brief introduction to the Qingming Festival:

The Qingming or Ching Ming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day in English, is a traditional Chinese festival on the first day of the fifth solar term of the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar. This makes it the 15th day after the Spring Equinox, either 4 or 5 April in a given year.

Qingming has been regularly observed as a statutory public holiday in China. It became a public holiday in China in 2008.

The holiday is associated with the consumption of qingtuan, green dumplings made of glutinous rice and barley grass.

  • Origin of the Qingming Festival:

The festival originated from the Cold Food Festival ("Hanshi Festival"), established by Chong'er, Duke Wen of Jin, during the Spring and Autumn period. The festival was a memorial for his retainer Jie Zitui,
who had loyally followed him during his years of exile. Supposedly, he
once even cut meat from his own thigh to provide Chong'er with soup.
Once Chong'er was enthroned as duke, however, Jie considered his
services no longer required and resigned. Although Duke Wen was generous
in rewarding those who had helped him in his time of need, he long
passed over Jie, who had moved into the forest with his mother. Duke Wen
went to the forest in 636 BC
but could not find them. He then ordered his men to set fire to the
forest in order to force Jie out. When Jie and his mother were killed
instead, the duke was overcome with remorse and ordered three days
without fire to honor Jie's memory. The city erected over the former
forest is still called Jiexiu (lit. "Jie's rest").

  • The Qingming Festival in literature:

Qingming was frequently mentioned in Chinese literature. Among these, the most famous one is probably Du Mu's poem (simply titled "Qingming"):


A drizzling rain falls on the Mourning Day;    


The mourner's heart is breaking on his way.    


Inquiring, where can a wineshop be found?    


A cowherd points to Apricot Flower Village in the distance.

Tomb-sweeping day, a traditional Chinese festival, falls at the turn of mid-spring and late spring.


Tomb-sweeping day originated from ancestral beliefs and Spring Festival customs in ancient times.


It is both a natural solar term and a traditional festival.


Tomb-sweeping day is a big traditional Spring Festival.


It is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times.










  • 用英文介绍清明节

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 中国清明节的英文介绍:Brief introduction to the Qingming Festival:The Qingming or Ching Ming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day in English, is a tradition


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