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清明节(Qingming Festival)英语作文 精彩句子抢先看
1、But the Qingming Festival is not only a seasonal point to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration.
2、 In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But since 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.

The Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival is one of the 24 seasonal division points in China, falling on April 4-6 each year. After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases. It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing. But the Qingming Festival is not only a seasonal point to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration.
The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.
This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.
The Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival. As our ancestors often extended the day to the Qingming, they were later combined.
On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded w
ith people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Tr
affic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed.
The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slig
htly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and fav
orites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and b
ow before the memorial tablet.

In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people
also enjoy hope of Spring on this day. The Qingming Festiv
al is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and gr
ass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient
times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. A
t this time tourists are everywhere.

People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival.
Kite flying is actually not limited to the Qingming Festiva
l. Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not during
the day, but also at night. A string of little lanterns tie
d onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars, and
therefore, are called "god's lanterns."

The Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees, fo
r the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast
later. In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbo
r Day". But since 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as March 12
according to the Gregorian calendar.

QingMing festival is a day for us to make prayers to our ancestors. We used to make simple prayers by praying with simple cooked food and joss papers. However, over the years, quick thinking business men had come up with new ideas saying the spirits in the nether word also had upgraded, As such praying materials had also came with Iphone 5, Samsung note 3, Boeing 777, BMW cars, LV handbags, Channel perfumes. Ha, some people even think of burning a concubine for their grandfather.


  • 清明节的英语作文100字

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 关于清明节的精彩英语作文 在中国,清明节是24节气的一个节日,每年的4月到6月期间。 清明节(Qingming Festival)英语作文 精彩句子抢先看 1、But the Qingming Festival is not only a seasonal po


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