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China's traditional holiday tomb-sweeping day. First of all, this day is a national legal holiday, everyone will have a holiday. Second, in the day of this day is to pay tribute to our ancestors. Many people will go to the grave. Sacrifice to the death of relatives and friends. Is the holiday in order to let every one of us have time to mourn the death of relatives and friends, even though the world does not exist. But to pay tribute to ancestors is brings us peace of mind.

Outing also known as spring tour. In ancient times called the Tan-chun, look for spring and so on. On Tomb Sweeping Day, spring, nature, scene of thriving vitality everywhere, it is an excellent picnic time. China's civil society long maintained the clear hikers habits.
Kite-flying is also the Tomb Sweeping Festival is one of the favorite activities. Every Tomb Sweeping Festival, people not only put during the day, night is also put. Night in the kite or the wind under a steady pull strings of colored lines hung a small lantern, like a flashing star, known as the "Magic Lamp."
In the past, some people have put the blue sky kite after they cut the go-between, brushing breeze sent them away, they said that this will Chubing misfortunes, to bring good luck for himself.



Its Chinese name "Qing Ming" literally means "Clear Brightness," hinting at its importance as a celebration of Spring. Similar to the spring festivals of other cultures, Tomb Sweeping Day celebrates the rebirth of nature, while marking the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities.



  • 清明节英语作文10字

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  • 清明节的英语作文100字

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