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1\litter or spit in the schoolyard
2\fight with others
3\late for school
4\cheat at any examination
5\make noise everywhere
1.Don't eat in the classroom !
2.Don't listen to the music in the classroom or hallway!
3.Don't be late for school!copy
4.Don't speak loudly in classroom!
5.Clean the classroom every day!
6.Have to wear school uniform!
7.Respect your teachers!
8.Get on well with the classmates!
9.Protect the environment!
10.Be polite.

1、Hello, Mary。636f7079e79fa5e98193365Welcome to our class. Here are our class rules. You must read it carefully. As a middle school student we can’t arrive late for class on weekdays. We must wear clean clothes every day. We must stand up when a teacher goes into the classroom. When you have nay questions
in class, please put up your hands. We have to eat and drink in the dining room We have to clean our classroom every day. Don’t leave school if you are not allowed(允许) . I wish you can obey (遵守)these rules. Thanks !

2、I am Sally . Every day I am very busy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I must have my breakfast at 7:00 o’clock . I can’t meet my friends after school because I have to walk my dog.(.溜狗) I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock. On weekends, I have to make my bed and clean my room. Then I have to wash the dishes. Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the guitar. I love music. But I can’t listen to music at home .I never have any fun. My life is so boring. What can I do ?

晚上回家不能晚过8点Go home at night not later than eight points
早上家人互相问好Morning say hello. Each other family
每个人要勤干家务Everyone should work frequently do housework
每天早晨都要锻炼Every morning exercise
吃完晚饭要洗自己的饭碗After dinner, shall wash his bowl

每天都要穿校服Every day must wear school uniforms
走廊内禁止跑跳The corridor is forbidden in the running and jumping
同学之间互相团结Students unite
每天认真做间操Every day do room fuck
不随手扔垃圾Do not throw rubbish everywhere



  • 英语作文列出六条校规,四条家规

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
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