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I want to be a volunteer
Nowadays,there are more and more volunteers in China.And do you know something about the roles of being a volunteer?Being a volunteer can help many and many people in need,and in this way can make people show many respects and supports to you.I want to be a volunteer,because I want to help more people such as cleaning the floor,solving their economic problems for them and so on.Do you know why?I had an unforgettable experience,I felt so sorry for being unable to help the old lady at the age of eight,at that time I saw an old lady crashed by a car and then she lied down without any breath and I remembered that there was nobody coming to rescue.After that,I promised to myself that I wanted to help more people in need and I wouldn`t let anyone in trouble down.Therefore,I choose to be a volunteer.

On Volunteering




  The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially among young people.

  Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quake-hit areas. And they contribute daily necessaries, offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster relief work.

  Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves~ Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills, all of which are critical for their professional growth.

  As a college student, I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work. It is not only good to our society, but also a chance for us to grow and to learn.





  As we know, a growing outbreak of H1N1 flu has been sparked in many countries. An increasing number of cases are being reported every day。

  It’s thought that H1N1 flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses do, that is, spreading from person-to-person, mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus。

  Faced with this severe disease, here are some everyday measures we should take to stay healthy. First, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them。

  Finally, H1N1 flu is not a terribly deadly disease, which is curable. So, don’t be nervous and just keep calm as usual。







  生词:国际贸易博览会 the International Trade Exposition

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the International Trade Exposition, I’d like very much to be a volunteer。

  All our citizens are hosts for this special event. Above all, I promise I should endeavor to serve with enthusiasm our distinguished guests from all over the world. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. What’s more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication during the Exposition, and I am good at it. I can express myself fluently and clearly in English。

  To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one。


  Li Hua

Distinguished audience:
My name is XXX, Class X, Grade 2. I am a junior high school student. The theme of my speech is: My dream is to be a volunteer.
Although my dream is easy to realize, my dream is to become a volunteer. Some people say that you are too silly, others say that you can make money through this? Impossible. I also got support. I want to be a volunteer, because I am willing to help others. I will volunteer for the children. I want to teach children with reading difficulties.
If I am a volunteer in a clean city, my own strength is a small partner, but I can make the city cleaner. Many people think there are many dirty places in Hainan. We can clean them up.
Pure soul, better way, so I want to be a volunteer
Thanks very much. Thank you for your support. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming to listen to my speech.




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