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The Spring Festival is my favorite festival. It is on the first day of January on Chinese lunar calendar. On that day, we usually get together at my grandparents' home. We often have a big dinner with 10 courses. However, the whole chicken, whole duck and the pork leg are not touched any more . Obviously, times have changed. We just pick some delicious seafood.
After dinner, I go outside with my cousins. We light fireworks and firecrackers. The dark sky will become colorful. We shout and jump when we see the fireworks shooting into the sky and exploding into leaves and flowers, gold, red, green or purple.
Some of my cousins can hold the firecrackers in their hands and light them and then throw them up. The firecrackers crack up in the sky and make all of us laugh heartily.
We often play and play until midnight. At that time, all the kids light their fireworks and firecrackers at the same time. The whole sky will be lit up in a moment and happy noise will make whole neighborhood very high with excitement.
Now you can see why the Spring Festival is my favorite festival. I like it because of the food, the family gathering and the excitement.

Here comes my holiday! I have lots of plans for this winter holiday.

I need to finish my homework first! And I will also preview some of my courses for the next semester .

Then I will spend a lot of time with my family,watching TV,and chatting . I will also visit my friends during the holiday.

Last but not least, I will get enough sleep,eat well and work out a lot to keep myself healthy!

This is my life interesting holiday


  • 我的假日英语作文50字

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • The Spring Festival is my favorite festival. It is on the first day of January on Chinese lunar calendar. On that day, we usually get together at my g


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