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A Spring Outing

Spring came with all its glories. The new grass exposed its green colour. The pretty flowers opened their blossoms.We were tempted to go for an outing.

It was Sunday, the 20th of April. We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of champagne, beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked eggs. We rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and down the roads.The willow were fresh and green. The swallows were flying to and fro, up and down the sky. The birds, like musicians,snang their melodious songs in the trees, and the butterflies,like colorful dancers, were fluttering here and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed heartily.

At 10 a.m. we arrived at the foot of the $hushan Hill.We left our bikes with a bike-repairing shop and began to climb up the Hill. Near the top, under a big tree with luxuriant foliage we had our picnic. We drank and ate, talked and laughed. After the picnic we stood in the breeze with our hands on our waists, enjoying the fine landscape. Then we lay on the grass talking about our life and studies.

At about 4 p. m. , we returned with balmy greenness on our backs and freshness in our hearts.

A sunny day,I went for a trip with my friends. We went to the city park. People there were very happy.there were some people playing soccer.the game was exciting.and there were some kids flying kites .the kites were colorful.what a great trip!








Recently, the "Spring Outing to the zoo to the wild," we have become a common team hot topic of children, the children often heard in small clusters Wai and discuss the contents of the Spring Outing, I realized: the children of the Spring Outing is a very important matter, how to take advantage of this opportunity to conduct an in-depth guide child care and comprehensive self-discussed and preliminary plans to child care in the Spring Outing to look forward to the days of the same growth will help get some life experience, I preset the debate.

The event on the 2 plan started, the teacher made a report on the timing of Spring Outing, Tour contents of the plan arrangements, child care organizations have a plan for discussion. Its purpose is to a child on an equal footing with their teachers joint consultation and discussion, the plan is the teachers give children some tips and reference: Plan can be used pictures, text, figures, including language common expression; children production schedule of the process is not only the exchange of experience in individual tasks completed the process, but more importantly because the plan is completed several friends, here is more consultations between the children, division of labor, compromise, respect, the child cooperation to raise an important opportunity.

In today's activities in child care may be controversial, contradictory more imperfect place, but if you stand in the child's development point of view, I was more of a considered "re-process" concept, the plan is reasonable or not This has not been so important, is important to the children in developing plans to solve the problem of the process of performance capabilities are fully demonstrated and improved, which is not only verbal expression more useful symbol of the ability to express their ideas, and child care exchanges capacity, a division of labour capacity and problem-solving abilities have been improved if? Whether fully demonstrate the self-confidence and awareness of the rules and these are my close concern.

Activities objectives:

1, and guide children with their own life experience, developed jointly with fellow Spring Outing
Plan, tried to arrange their own activities.

2, in the consultations to discuss the division of labor, such as improving the process of mutual cooperation between the companions capacity.

Process and guidance:

One to discuss the teacher's Spring Outing plan:

"The teacher has developed a wildlife park in the tourism schedule, we look at together, you can read? Have nothing to tell you? Do not know what to ask to see a teacher or the child's? What dissatisfied with the place to be amended? "

Once one enters the room, the children might not expect today's teachers are there so many guests, also sitting front Mom and Dad, all of a sudden some tension, the children shown a rare restrained!e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94333 No one questions the initiative or to express their own personal views.

Second, the children discuss the development of their tourism plans:

1, "In the past, we always travel to Mom and Dad to prepare for us, and now we grow up, their wish to develop a tourism plan?"

"Good!" The kids happy to echo.

2, teachers and everyone to travel time, the contents of tour arrangements has been done, imagine Apart from these, we should also do what plans?

"Take some delicious," "camera with"…… the children's eyes began shiny, and this is their favourite subject.

3, the tourism bags do you think we should be a little, what? What we need to take? What things is not well suited to the band? We go to Spring Outing is a collective activity, then do you think we should abide by these rules?

Children's话匣子slowly being opened, they began excitement! Yi Yi said eating a brilliant smile on the face, Xuanxuanbanzhao fingers, he cited the need to take things some people have been dissatisfied, anxious to express his own opinions; an exciting start-Xiaolian up!

4, to discuss the division: This plan sounds quite rods, but I guess to be hard for me to do, it seems that people do a somewhat unlikely, or a few people work together better. How division of labor? (Free child care is divided into a number of sub-groups)

Supplies formulated plans only three children, three children began their help: "Who will help us?" Immediately, said Rui Shi Xi willing to help them, in recognition of teachers pretending exciting, two children have adjusted their own plans, expressed its willingness to take the initiative to help them formulate plans supplies.

5, the production plan:

1) Observe the child care division of labor: Who record? Who exchanges?

2) to encourage children to be interviewed other friends or teachers.

3) What difficulties can ask the teacher to help.

4) can be used in various ways to record with us for
Plan ideas.

Third, to share:

Each group sent representatives to exchange views on their respective records and the contents of the discussion, other child care can be added or ask questions (listen to the demands quiet, orderly question).

In fact, this time the organization has no need teachers, the children just come in and the tension has been restrained with a completely different, as a group of happy birdies against children will be introduced and automatically records the contents of the question, some people will automatically stand up to supplement or explain to the children try to convince others. Since the beginning of a lot of children will be ambitious and psychological records of the United States does not the United States? Also do not look good and made a lot of demands, teachers said that in less time, they can be forgiven, and everyone can agree to accept. They began to record the contents of that is reasonable or not have their own point of view. For some of the original differences, the children of a reasonable explanation, we can convince to accept.

During the discussion, brings water to drink with this issue and the children start the discussion: Records Group agreed that will enable Mom and Dad drink, we drink! Xuanxuanwaizhaonaodai said: that Mom and Dad will feel that we small gas ah? So we sent representatives to the scene interviewed at the scene Xuanxuan mother. Auntie explain to everyone's satisfaction: we can in accordance with their Mom and Dad tastes flexible to adjust.

Care for the children of a father specially formulated rules: no smoking! Teachers believe they must have this rule will bring their father, jointly developed by a number of other rules, the children also acceptable.

4. Extension:

Tourism in before the end of the event to our schedule will be before the children always express their opinions, and sometimes schedule will be branded a small question mark, the moment has been zoned to, the children are constantly self-awareness or recognition of others, Sometimes parents will provide us with some of their recommendations, we also plan the Spring Outing constant adjustment and perfect, this is a happy plan

, I believe, the children will definitely our plan into our travel, we travel more meaningful and happier!


  • 关于春游的英语小作文(50个词)

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 春游 春天来了,带着无限的娇美。小草,已露出嫩绿色,花已开放了,我们怎么能不去郊游! 那是4月20号,星期天。一大早,我们带着香槟酒、啤酒、蛋糕、咸熏肉和鸡蛋,骑着自行车


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