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1)e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad94338When we consider why we should attend universities,different people have different ideas.In some students' eyes,studying in universities means a bright future after graduation.They think they are bound to find good jobs with a good college education.

However,life in the colleges and the jobs that they can find in the future are usually somewhat disappointing.Especially under the severe competition of today's society,it is not very easy for a college graduate to find a satisfying job.

As far as I am concerned,universities can provide good study opportunities and essential facilities for those who want to acquire knowledge for the construction of our country and this is the reason why I attend universities.

When I was a little girl,I always wanted to go to college.Now I am a freshman of a key university.I have asked
myself the same question so many times

Why I go to college?You may say:you go to college just because you
want to have a good job after graduation.Well,why I come to college is not for one single reason,but for many.
The major reason is that I need to further my education and know more about the outside world.In high school,
I was always feeling not enough to get knowledge from the textbooks and I didn’t have enough time to travel to
see the outside world.But in the college,I have abundant time to read the books I’m interested
in and travel to
different places to broaden my horizon.
Before entering college, I worked for a year as a security guard, a cashier in a liquor store, an orderly at New England Deaconess Hospital, and an art assistant at a Barnes and Noble Bookstore.1


As a guard I worked nights, slept days, and soon felt I was sleeping my life away. At the liquor store I often had to serve unruly customers who were always right,2 and at the Deaconess I got some of the worst jobs, with no real chance of advancement.

? 在伯恩斯和诺布尔书店当过艺术装璜工。当警卫时我晚上工作白天睡觉。没多久我就感到是在把生命睡掉。在酒店干活时我常常不得不侍候这样一些顾客,他们态度蛮横却从来都是“常有理”。在狄康纳斯医院里我有时候干最次的活,简直看不到有出头的机会。

At Barnes and Noble I was happiest, especially making signs and displays for the store, but I was eventually displaced by a former worker with a degree in art.3


This was enough for me, and I didn’t want it to happen again. For this reason and several others, I signed up for four years of college.

I also knew that I would finally be making my parents happy. Both college graduates,4 they wanted me to be one also. They told me for years about the advantages of a college degree over a high school diploma.

I can still hear my mother saying, “ go to college and get a degree. You need a degree now, and besides, you’ll be proud of yourself.” I can still hear myself, though, saying that I wanted to see if I could make it5 on my own — without college.


They were persistent but not demanding,6 and allowed me my year of discovery, if I wanted it. Now I know they were right and can see that they are relieved that I decided on more school.7


Another important reason for returning was my desire to learn more about many subjects. I have always loved reading, especially Richard Wright8 and Langston Hughes, 9 and so I hope to enjoy the literature courses.


I’m curious about the Literature of other countries, especially of Africa, and I plan to elect some black studies courses during the four years. In physical education I hope to continue with my interest in scuba diving,10 and I want to spend more time running track, as I did in high school.


For my science requirement,11 I’ll probably take biology, especially because I sometimes think of becoming a veterinarian. Possibly studying biology will help me to make a final decision.


At this time, however, I seem most sure about my choice of an art major — a very important reason for my coming to college. I started drawing when I was very small; cats, dogs, reindeer, and Santa Claus were my specialties then.12


and in junior year my watercolor of the Boston Marathon13 won $100 in a citywide contest. My plan right now is to go into commercial art, possibly drawing magazine advertisements for clothing. joozone.com


I know this will take a commitment,14 though, because lots of people have some artistic talent, but few are able to carry out the extra effort to make it pay off.15 Right now, the Art Department seems to be where I belong.

I have one more reason for coming to school — myself. I want to feel better about myself and more optimistic when I look to the future. I have seen my parents struggle for their degrees while raising six children, and I have seen how much their effort improved our standard of living.


Being younger than they were when they started, and without anyone yet to take care of,16 I should be able to make good use of my time right now and make a better life. For me, just working from job to job wasn’t enough, but college seems like plenty right now.17

本文来自作文地带: http:///html/ielts/1398.html

I know it's extremely poor.This topic is same to my TOEFL composition.

Question:People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Here we go!

Nowadays, after students graduate from senior high school, most of them will enter a university or college. In my opinion, there are three reasons which make students go to the college.

Above all, people who graduated from senior high school haven’t enough social experience and ample knowledge. The knowledge of high school isn’t of adaptation for modern society. A person, who graduated from senior high school and doesn’t be educated from university, can’t adapt to society which is different between student’s lives. For getting more experience and improving abilities, they must go to the more high level school, college or university.

Second, for getting a good job in future, they have to study in the college. You can see that a number of persons who graduated from senior high school can’t find a good job after they graduated. In this few years, the statistics shows that the new graduated student is more than vacant jobs which can earn a lot of money many times in China. Facing this terrible data, graduated from senior high school students have to enter a university for getting a higher level diploma. That is an important reason which is that students want to be educated in the colleges.

The third one is for dream and ideal. When we are young, all of us have a plenty of fantastic dream. For example, some of us want to be the superman to beat the evil persons for justice or be a famous scientist to do many interesting experiments and invent significant things like Newton and Edison. Dreams and ideals are the magic things which can bring hope and motivation. Making us never give up. Entering the university is short way to make your dream coming truth. So It’s a reason that why student want to study in a college.

Therefore, entering a university or colleges indeed is a brilliant way to help you being success and give you something that you want.


Translated by Google.

问:人们上大学为很多不同的原因或大学(例如,新经验,职业生涯做准备,增加知识)。 你认为人们为什么上大学? 请给出具体原因及实例来支持你的答案。

如今,当学生从高中毕业,其中大多数将进入大学或学院。 在我看来,有三个原因,让学生去学校。

最重要的是,人们谁从高中毕业,没有足够的社会经验和丰富知识。 高中的知识,不仅对现代社会的适应。 谁从高中毕业,也不是从大学教育,无法适应社会,学生之间的生活有所不同。为了得到更多的经验,提高能力,他们必7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad94364须到更高一级学校,学院或大学。

第二,在未来获取好工作,他们在大学学习。 你可以看到,谁的人数从高中毕业找不到好工作后,他们毕业。 在这几年的统计数据显示,新毕业的学生比空缺职位,可以赚一笔钱多次在中国多很多。 面对这一可怕的数据,从高中毕业的学生要进入一个更高的水平获取文凭的大学。 这是一个重要原因是学生要在普通高校的教育。

第三个是梦想和理想。 当我们年轻,我们都有一个梦幻很多。 例如,我们一些希望成为超人击败正义邪恶的人或者是一个著名的科学家做了许多有趣的实验,像牛顿,爱迪生发明意义的事情。 梦想和理想是奇迹般的事情,可以带来希望和动力。 Making us never give up.让我们永不放弃。进入大学是短暂的方法,使你的梦想来的真理。所以这是一个就是为什么要研究学生在一所大学的原因。



  • 高考英语作文范文:为什么要上大学

  • 158文章网作文写作
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