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Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. The Internet helps make many friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language studies.
Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students, get cheated on line.
It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other, things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.

Nine years old, I remember grandma lived in the country. My grandma's yard is very big, inside keep a few puppy and ten chicken.

I arrived there and cousin happily play together, and after a while, the cousin put a nest of chicken from its cage, it make them free activities. I watched peck feel quite interesting, one of the floret rooster doing the grand let I like. I was just going to touch it, cousin hurriedly stopped me and said: "you still don't touch it, a few days ago, I because to feel it was it to peck." Say that finish pull up leg, I look at cousin's leg black and blue. See such a sight even more, I wanted to lesson this small cock, let it try some of my bad.

I walked towards the chicken group, is that only small cock ruthlessly tapping a foot, surprisingly it unexpectedly little reaction to all have no. I have some angry, gently a kick small cock, surprisingly it return overdo to peck me shoes. Hum, I me off. I looked it too kicked. Behold angered the small cock, it to me after to peck me. Once I see, 36 plan go to go up immediately and ran. More to my unexpected is, small rooster feet experienced a breeze, will overtake me!e69da5e6ba90e79fa5e98193330 "Really, and chicken race, person incredibly still run however chicken." I want to run. Cousin is beside cheer on. I saw a broom, like straws, picked up the same, I start to copy the broom, to a small cock hit, indeed as expected, the small cock was I scare away, I gave chase. Heart that satisfiedly ah, have don't mention it.

Suddenly, I accidentally put broom hit a little black head on. A little black dog toward me wince. Once I see, situation, gentlemen, immediately dropped broom and then run, hide into a little room, locked the door. I listened to the rocky outside voice, it seems a little black dog not chase. So I comfortable tone to opened the door and saw the door unexpectedly can't open, I started crying. Hear my cry later mother-in-law hastily opened the door, and I just came out.

This really is something embarrassing me.
转眼 我升入了九年级 这意味着我将从初中生的身份晋升到高中生的身份,当然 能否顺利升入高中这要看我这三年尤其是这一年的努力了
都说初中的孩子叛逆 任性 高中的孩子就要有自律意识了 我之前可能有很多不懂事的时候 也许让老师操心了 但是现在的我要仔细认真考虑我的梦想 我的人生了 这是决定我人生的第一步 我一定要迈好 走好 一步一个脚印 我要做一个懂事的孩子了 要管好自己 要告诉自己长大了 要把学习放在首位 为了以后的前途而努力,为了自己的大学梦而拼搏 为我以后的幸福生活铺垫好一条平坦的路

Drunk drivers that are caught should be imprisoned for their first offence. Each year, numerous lives are lost due to drunk driving. The disregard to safe driving has been a huge predicament to the whole world, not just China alone. These negligent drivers cause a lot of mayhem to innocent individuals as they harm, kill and destroy adults, children and families.
Imprisoning drunk drivers can save countless lives as it is one of the most common causes of road and maritime death. It can also teach them a lesson, making sure that they won't commit another similar crime again. Like the aforementioned, imprisoning drunk drivers can also eliminate the doubt of other drivers looking to commit the crime.

Millions of people are killed by lackadaisical drunk drivers, as they are affected by a depressant, a type of drug that will make you drowsy. Imprisoning offenders will make them rethink about their unsightly decision as this will save lives of many individuals.

By imprisoning the first offender, the punishment could serve as a cause to stop the suspect from committing the same crime again. Obviously, alcohol hinders the safety of the driver, and anyone around them, but catching a suspect influenced by alcohol is difficult. However, if the suspect is caught, imprisoning him/her will stop them from doing it again. The harsher the punishment, the more likely the suspect won't commit it again.

One domino down, the rest falls. This is known as a chain reaction. By imprisoning first-time offenders that are accused of drunk driving, the infamous punishment can pressurise other drivers from committing a similar crime, which lessens the likelihood of a life being taken.

In conclusion, imprisoning drunk drivers can lessen the impact it takes on society; lives being lost, descending numbers of drunk drivers, and a safer, more reliable and more trustworthy society.


  • 求一篇大学英语作文

  • 158文章网作文写作
  • I know that a lot of people are debating about whether or not college is the right move,and I do believe that college genuinely isnt for everyone. Uni


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