Push away the memory of the gate, it houses countless treasures, full of beautiful things in eyes, wealth, friendship, success, and fair... Suddenly, the treasure-house of memory keeper appeared in front of me, is an old man, he asked that I need which piece treasures. I think for a while, selects the friendship. Elder smiled, fertilization of magic, turn into a graceful girl, and tell me, later she is my friend, will bring me the world most pure, the most precious emotions -- friendship.
we need friends esp no matter where we are,what we are doing.when are in school,we might come across a problem we can't solve.you need a friend .when we are at work,suddenly ,you feel sick.you need a friend.when we are waiting for a car but there is no bus.we need a friend. AS the saying goes,a friend in need is a friend indeed.
There are several important elements necessary to maintain a good friendship 要想维持友谊以下几方面是必不可少的了
Listen 善于倾听
The ability to really listen to another is a cornerstone of good friendship. It helps you to understand your friend and his/her feelings, as well as shows that you really care.倾听是友谊的基石 他有助于你更好的了解你的朋友同时7a686964616fe78988e69d83364又表示你在关心你的朋友
2.Spend quality time with your friend 与朋友相聚
No relationship can be satisfying without quality time spend together. Make time for your friend, schedule get togethers. 没相聚就没友谊 所以抽点时间与朋友一起聚聚吧
3. Be forgiving 宽容
There is not even one person in the world who is perfect. You know your own shortcomings, so don't expect perfection from others. I'm not saying that you should always accept a wrong doing on your friend's part. Tell them when you didn't like something and be always ready to make up afterward. Don't hold grudges in your heart. It will help your friend to be long-suffering with you as well. 人无完人,任何人都有自己的缺点所以就不要要求别人完美 我并不是叫你一味的纵容朋友的错误 相反你应该明确的告诉你的朋友 不要藏在心底 这对你和你们自己的友谊都是有好处的
4. Admit your faults 勇于承认自己的错误
In every friendship there will be conflict sooner or later. When it comes, often the wrong is on both sides Admit your wrongs instead of just pointing out the wrongs of another person involved. This will help you both to keep the line of communication open and strengthen your friendship
朋友相处迟早都会产生冲突的,但产生误会和冲突时双方都是有责任的 我认为勇于承认自己的过错比追究责任更有助于解决问题和增进友谊