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造成大学生就业难既有主观原因,也有客观原因,归纳起来,有以下几种因素影响着大学生顺利就业。 狭隘的人才观阻止大学生合理流动,减少了他们的就业机会。一些地方为了留住人才,不允许肥水流入外人田,对大学生到本地以外的地方就业进行限制,大学生就业机会减少。一些地方留住人才、招收人才的动机是好的,但用限制流动的做法不妥当。 一些用人单位盲目提高用人门槛,把许多毕业生挡在就业大门之外。现在大学生多了,一些企业选人的条件也苛刻了,有的企业甚至不从实际需要出发,盲目招收研究生、博士生为其装门面。除以上两个方面客观因素的影响外,一些主观因素也成为大学生就业的障碍。首先是大学生知识面过窄、实践能力差,影响了择业。多数用人单位都希望大学生参加工作后能够迅速适应工作需要,对动手操作能力强的大学生特别欢迎。现在不少大学生存在的问题是知识面比较窄、实践能力不强,影响了他们的就业竞争力。 就业期望值过高,使不少大学生错过了就业机会。大学生希望自己能够到待遇好、工作环境好的单位就业,这本身无可厚非,但一些大学生不能正确认识自己,对就业抱有过高的期望就有些不切实际了。大学生择业不应盲目提高就业目标,而应以适合自己的工作为标准。 此外,大学生不愿离开家乡就业、不愿到基层就业等因素,也影响了一些大学生的及时就业。有关方面和大学生本人,都应正视当前大学生就业的困难e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94330,努力排除不利于大学生就业的各种障碍。
There are both subjective and objective reasons for the employment of college students. It is concluded that there are several factors that affect the successful employment of College students. The narrow concept of talent prevents the rational flow of college students and reduces their chances of employment. Some places in order to retain talent, do not allow the flow of water into the field of outsiders, to local students outside the local employment restrictions, employment opportunities for college students to reduce. Some places to retain talent, recruit talent motivation is good, but the practice of restricting the flow is not appropriate. Some employers blindly raise the threshold of employment, many graduates outside the gates of employment. Now many college students, some of the conditions of the enterprise selection is harsh, and some companies do not even start from the actual needs, blindly recruit graduate students, doctoral students for their appearance. In addition to the above two aspects of objective factors, some subjective factors have become obstacles to the employment of College students. The first is that the knowledge of college students is too narrow and the practical ability is poor. Most employers are willing to participate in the work of college students can quickly adapt to the needs of the work, the ability to operate a special welcome to college students. Nowadays, many college students have the problems of narrow knowledge and practical ability, which affect their employment competitiveness. Employment expectations are too high, so that many college students missed employment opportunities. College students hope to better working environment, good employment, which some students cannot but no ground for blame, a correct understanding of their own, have high expectations on employment is somewhat unrealistic. College students should not blindly improve their employment goals, but should be based on their own work as the standard. In addition, college students do not want to leave home employment, unwilling to Grassroots Employment and other factors, but also affected the employment of some college students in time. The parties concerned and the college students themselves should face up to the difficulties of the current employment of college students, and try to eliminate all kinds of obstacles.

e69da5e887aae79fa5e98193334 more problem Interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family. Due to the fact that the couple has a different family background, culture, and custom, and social class level, many disagreements can occur. Religion can be a problem. If the two has a different religion then the other one, there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays while others don't. In Christianity, for example, Christians celebrate Christmas while Buddudists don't. Eating habits can also be a problem. One might eat certain food the other don't or dislike. After all, their offspring will encounter problems too. Childrens who are mixed are not likely to be accepted in certain areas in a community. They often have a hard time fitting in. Interracial marriage is not a good idea, but it is still alright to marry someone who is different than you.
  1 Education: A Reflection ofSociety Visiting schools anywhere in theworld, you will probably notice a number of similarities. However, a schoolsystem in one country is not identical to the system in any other country. Itcannot be exactly the same because each culture is different. The educational system is a mirror thatreflects the culture. A case in point is that Japanese place importance oneducation but there are difficult exams for entrance to all better schools oruniversities. Results of these exams affect the entire family because there ishigh status or social position for thewhole family when the children have high test scores. Compared with Japan,education in the United States is also available to everyone, but not allschools are equal. It is Students themselves who decide if they go to college,no national exam determines this. On the other hand, there are problems withlack of discipline and with drugs and crime in some American schools. It is clear that each educational system is areflection of the larger culture-both positive and negative aspects of itseconomy values and social structure etc. Overcrowding in Big Cities Population growth is already causing unbelievable overcrowding. Due to this , many cities have problems withair pollution, disease, crime, traffic jam .Also, there isn't enough water,transportation or housing and even the worse, many people don't have access tohealth services or jobs. Here are somecreative solutions. First Garbage Collection, in some cities garbage is nowrecycled , which is not only good for the environment but provides jobs to thepoorest people to improves their lives. Besides, Transportation is improved byaffording an unusual system of buses in the center lane of wide major streets,which makes commuting more pleasant and also helps to solve the problem of airpollution. An agricultural operation and green space program also play theirparts . Clearly, overcrowding in big cities worldwide is the cause of seriousproblems. However, careful planning and creative thinking can lead to solutionsto many of them. Curitiba is truly a "symbol of the possible." My View on Job-hopping People have different attitudes towardstheir work. Some prefer to stick to one occupation as their lifelong career.These people are of the opinion that one can never do his work well unless heis devoted to only one job in his lifetime. So if one changes his jobfrequently, he will
  2 not get the necessaryexperience needed in his work. Others, on the other hand, like to change their jobs at times. In theiropinion, people work in order to make more money. If they have a chance to geta better paid job, they will certainly try to get this chance. Besides, if aperson does only one job all his life, he will certainly be bored with it. My idea is that interest is the mostimportant if one wants to excel others in his job. So if a person is notinterested in his job, job hopping is normal and even necessary. Otherwise, hewill suffer from his work, and inevitably, he is not likely to succeed in hiscareer. How to Succeed in a JobInterview Nowadays both theinterviewee and the interviewer are attaching more and more importance to jobinterview. As far as the interviewers are concerned, they tend to feel itunscientific to evaluate the competence of the interviewees by just readingtheir written materials, such as the application forms, self-introductions,etc. A face to face interviewing is more reliable and informative. As far asthe interviewees are concerned, they think that they also have the right to getto know the employer and the company in which they are going to work, e.g. whatwork they are going to do, how much money they can get etc. However, many interviewees fail once andagain in their job interview. They want to know the secret in jobinterview.There are many factors that determine the success of the job interview.For example, a clean and tidy appearance will surely attract the attention ofthe interviewers; a graceful manner is easy to leave a good impression on yourwould be boss. When it comes to the job, the applicant should display a widerange of expertise and strong confidence in himself. Nevertheless, be sure notto overstate but stick to reality; show your keen enthusiastic about the joband your strong desire for obtaining the job all the way. Once you achieve what is mentioned above, thenew job will be within your reach



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  • 翻译:造成大学生就业难既有主观原因,也有客观原因,归纳起来,有以下几种因素影响着大学生顺利就业。 狭隘的人才观阻止大学生合理流动,减少了他们的就业机会。一些地方为了
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