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My three years' lives of junior school has been over.It brought me happiness and growth up.Among my lessons,my favorite lesson was enlish.I loved it,not noly it was a usefull tool in future but also it made me happy.In my spare time,I liked to call some friends to paly badmiton and I also comunicated with my classmates.Therefore,we had a good relationgship.Besids,my junior teacher impressed me deeply,she was kind and patient.I will remember my junior'life forever.


Basketball is a popular team sport played worldwide by people of every age. It's a game that involves shooting, passing, and dribbling. The goal of basketball is to try to score points against the other team by propelling a ball through a high hoop. While competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport, played in a standard basketball court, less regulated variations have become more popular as an outdoor sport played among friends purely for entertainment purposes 篮球是一项集体运动流行全球的发挥每个人的年龄。这是一个游戏,包括射击,传球,运球和。篮球的目标是试图积分对其他队的一个球,通过推进高箍。虽然有竞争力的篮球主要是一项室内运动,打了一个标准的篮球场,较少监管的变化已成为更受欢迎的户外运动发挥朋友之间纯粹是为了娱乐的目的。 I live in a new neighbourhood now. My family moved here a year ago. From then on more and more people became our neighbours. A big supermarket and more than twenty different shops have been set up since last year. An underground nearby is under construction. It seems that our life gets more and more convenient. It is said that many tall buildings around here will be put up. It is reported that a new park in the north of our neighbourhood will be built soon. What a green and nice neighbourhood ours will be! 邻里 我住在一个新的居民区现在。我的家人搬来这里一年前。从那时起,越来越多的人成为我们的邻国。大超市和20多个不同的商店已经设立了去年以来。附近的一个地下正在建设中。看来,我们的生活获得了更多和更方便。有人说,许多高7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e364楼大厦在这里将张贴。据报道,一个新的公园北部的我们的邻国将很快建成。什么是绿色和我们的好邻居将!


When I was a primary school student, my family and I took a trip to five cities which were in the south of China.
First, we came to Nanjing by plane. That was the first time I had taken the plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there. We arrived in Nanjing in the morning. At 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch. The food tasted delicious. In the afternoon we went to “Zhongshanling”636f7079e79fa5e98193364. It was the place that preserve the tomb of Mr. Sugshan.
The next day, we came to Wuxi and then Suzhou where we visited the region of rivers and lakes of “周庄”. It was a beautiful and old place. The house there were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank.
The fourth day, we came to Hangzhou where We visited “The West Lake. It was very beautiful and the water was clear . As we all know, Hangzhou is famous for silk and tea, so we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea of “龙井”.
The last place that we visited was Shanghai. It was one of the biggest city is China. The night view in Shanghai was more beautiful than Beijing. We visited the TV tower of “东方明珠”. It was the third tallest tower in the world. Standing in the tower you could see the whole city. In the evening, we lived in a hotel with 25 floors. I was very excited that evening.




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