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英语作文九年级下册我的幸运日翻译成英文是:English of grade nine my lucky day

不幸运的一天(An Unluncky Day)
It was already 7:10 when I got up this morning. I washed up hurriedly and rushed to school without eating breakfast. When I reached the school gate, I realized I forgot the schoolbag. The only thing I could do then was to return home. On the way home, a dog bit me. And when I arrived at school again and walked into the classroom, class had already begun. I sat down,but found that I forgot my pen!7a64e58685e5aeb9365 Oops! What an unlucky day!

Today, I wake up early in the morning, because it is the New Year’s Day, when I go out and say hello to the eldership, they will give me the lucky money, I have receive a lot of lucky money. What’s more, when I go to the street, I happen to meet my old friends, we have lost touched for many years, it is a surprise for me.

A lucky day
It was my birthday yesterday. I didn't go to school. I stayed at home and prepared my birthday party. I got up at about 7 o’7a686964616fe78988e69d83338clock. I weared a new orange jacket and a pair of black jeans. I was putting some sweets and fruits on the table when my friends came at 10 o'clock. They gave me a lot of presents. Such as storybooks, a beautiful wallet and a pen. We were singing and dancing when my parents came, they bought me a big birthday cake. Then we ate birthday cake and watched TV. We all had a good time. My best friend Lily told me that my English was 100. What a big surprise! What a lucky day!


  • 最幸运的一天初三英语作文

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 英语作文九年级下册我的幸运日翻译成英文是:English of grade nine my lucky day不幸运的一天(An Unluncky Day) It was already 7:10 when I got up this morning. I washed up hurriedl


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