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初三英语作文 80字



There are four seasons in a year.My favourite season is spring.Spring is colorful.The sun is red,the sky is blue,the clouds are snow-white,and the trees become green.
In spring ,there are flowers everywhere.The birds come back from the south and sing happily all day.Every-thing comes back to life again.
Look, the mountain becomes green,the water becomes green,the children are flying kites happily!What a beautiful season!
Last Wednesday, the traffic was too busy in the morning. I was late for school. After the class, my classmates told me that the English teacher asked me to go to her office. I suddenly remembered that I did not get a good grade in the last test. I was worried and rushed to the office. But I was surprised to find there was no one in the office. Then I remembered it was April 1st – April Fool’s Day!

上周三,交通拥挤,我zhidao上课迟到了。下课后,同学告诉我英语老师叫我去办公室,我突然想起上次英语没考好,我心里惴惴不安,匆忙赶到办公室,发现空无一人。我突然想起来,那天是4月1号 - 愚人节!

Dear Bod (是名字吗?还是Bob?),

My name is Hua, and I'm currently studying English. However I have a few problems in learning English.

First of all, I am not very interested in English. I have trouble remembering new vocabulary and as a result, I'm too scared to join discussion groups as I'm afraid of making mistakes. There's also the problem with my ability to understand each new word when it comes to reading.

I hope that you are able to give me some advices on these as they've been troubling me for a while now.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
Hua Fang


  • 初三英语作文 80字

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • There are four seasons in a year.My favourite season is spring.Spring is colorful.The sun is red,the sky is blue,the clouds are snow-white,and the tre


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