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Why pay attention to environmental protection, because ofenvironmental problems has reached the degree ofsuppression does not go, and closely linked to people. As long as you live you will be affected, because all the peoplelive, so have been affected, once can not accept things happen, will soon sink strength forming anger affects public opinion and stability, which is the negative argument.
An important stage in the process of socialization ofChinese, constantly meet with environment for development and choice of harmonious environment.When the British Industrial Revolution serious environmental pollution lesson in front of us, anyone with a brain knows to Protect environment, so China attach great importance to environmental protection work is normal, as well as other countries. Even in the central asked againProtect environment, pay close attention to environmental protection, but the situation is still not optimistic, the environmental protection agency to participate in environmental pollution. It is very often.
The chairman of the HJT contribution is Scientific Outlook on Development, which mentioned the comprehensive coordination and sustainable development, the construction of environment friendly society. After the first pollution control is a short-sighted and thankless Road, but it also proved to be a lot of people come out, there are a lot of people fought with. As a loving face Chinese capital Beijing, again and again by sandstorms, automobile exhaust, living garbage persecution, let a person have no face very much. When I went to the temple "will make theenvironment beautiful wish, you said many heartbreaking.Environmental problems and again let people live veryuneasy, from the factory sewage emissions to exceed the standard, because of environmental pollution caused bythe large plant death, and then to the problems of food raw materials products. We obtain the energy food from nature,but again the persecution, this is a kind of behavior can be utterly devoid of conscience, a lot of people not to regard it as right.
Environmental protection has become a worldwide problem, its importance is magnified in the deterioration of the environment, attention. As it relates to the futurerelated to the descendants of life.
Chinese government attaches great importance toenvironmental protection work, because it does not exist inChinese environmental facts, because of vast territory and abundant resources so there are a lot of no environmentalfacts. The chairman led the scientific development, you getnothing grows, it is the contempt of leadership, this is notallowed in Chinese.


英:In order to survive, the human resources and energy resources exploitation and utilization is necessary, but all the exploitation and utilization of all the nature, especially from the earth ecosystem environment, namely so-called biosphere balance of comprehensive and scientific thinking, then in the protection of natural environment, maintaining the ecological diversity, and on the basis of the coordination between the nature. At present, to strengthen and expand the only those with primitive traits, namely the human impact of the ecological system, through less for the protection and reorganizations, make its maintaining the original natural appearance, and keep the ecological balance of each element of the system, and attention should be paid to the human understanding in toxic chemical substances on the precious experience. For all kinds of material, than to waste from the whole process of production, want to consider a safety measures to prevent environmental pollution, more should seek pollution-free, making the production methods of chemical products, apparently non-toxic, it is proposed to a higher chemical workers, more difficult task

We are complaining about the environment on the contaminated, but we did not himself in the pollution of the environment. For example, we hand in loudly smoking harmful to health, but on the other hand, in the mass production and sales in cigarettes. On one hand we advocated don't litter, on the other hand, we often eat BangBing casually will wrapping paper on the ground. For instance, some factory boss put building decoration luxurious, but privately to beautiful but the sewage and waste water secretly flowing into the river discharge... so, although we everyday in the propaganda environmental consciousness, but the pollution of the environment, the harm of biological long-standing phenomenon still.
Why are so many contradictions phenomenon? I think, the key lies in many who have no attention to environmental protection. Blame others pollute the environment just forget yourself in environmental pollution! So in the propaganda environment protection, plus "starts from me!" After the second half. Make environmental awareness in everyone's mind, root, make our actions are considering environmental protection moments.

Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of
energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile,
trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is
produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in
the air, causing air pollution.
Scientists are finding ways to stop air
pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They
are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the
environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off
less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power
plants to do minimum damage to the environment.
However, it may be that we
still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the
countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed
seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do.
People will continually find new ways to control pollution.




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