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Nawadays , making friends on the internet has become increasingly popular . people have diffrent views about it.
Some of people are in favor of it. Firstly. they can make more friends in this way. Secondly, they can express their feelings and thoughts freely on the internet. Thirdly, it is useful to learn foreign language.
However, some others hold the opposite opinion, in their opinion, it is a waste of time to do this, Besides, it may have a negative effect on study. Last but not least , we may be cheated.
From my point of view, I support the former pespective, making friends on the internet can release pressure, and add to communication , As long as we are careful, it is safe.
最近, 网上交友越来越受青睐,人们关于此点的看法也众说纷纭。
一些人支持, 首先,用这种方式,他们可以交更多朋友。 其次,在网上,他们可以自由的表达自己的想法和感受。最后,这对他们学e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e336习外语还有所帮助。

some students suggest that we should raise money to buy some books for our library .while others hold that we should not do it ,instead ,we should study hard .only in this way can school take pride in us .in my eyes,we should leave those valuable learning materials to junior middle school students, and teach them the learning experience. Thus,it can not only improve themselves,but also can make the school more famous
Train Travel Air Travel

Air travel has two advantages over train travel. First, it can save much time.We can fly from Beijing to Guangzhou jusi in two hours, but by train, we have to spend 24 hours or more. Second, air travel is more comfortable, because the plane flies so smoot qly that we can rest well during the trip, while the train is crowded sometimes and passengers have to sit for a long time, which makes them tired. But train travel also has its advantages. For example, traveling by train costs only 250 yuan while traveling by air will cost 900 yuan.Besides this, outside of the train's windows, we can enjoy the views of many big cities, such as Zhengzhou, Wuhan,ad Changsha.
So I think different people like different ways of traveling.




  • 初中英语作文带翻译。

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • 一个特殊的日子 A Special DayToday was my fathers birthday, which was such a big day for me, so I wanted to give him a surprise. My father always gave me what


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