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I had been holding the belief that I was mature until last minute. Maybe until now, I am not sure what is real growing up.
These days, I have been watching Ugly Betty. It is a quite excellent set of tv series for sure, and I do love it. Betty's father always say some meaningful words. One is that " Growing up is not about making the right decisions. It is about dealing with the decisions which you've made and picking yourself up." Before, I consider myself mature as I could make my own decisions without referring to others. I thought I can handle everything myself, and other people could not help me. Maybe it is right everyone should make his own plan for future instead of relying on friends or parents. However, is it true that making decisions means growing up? Of course not. This is just the first step, and not the most important step.
Right!e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94366 Making decisions is not so simple. We have plenty things to consider. No one want to make a wrong decision for himself. Nevertheless, I am becoming more and more conscious that there is right or wrong indeed. No one could tell what is real right, and what is real wrong. Some you hold right for the past years may turn to wrong in a second, leaving no time for you to adapt. Therefore, how could I say once I make a right decision, I am a mature person.
Growing up is a process, a much long process. I may need my whole life to experience growing up, even not enough. Yes, I made a desicion these couple days. That's right. That's far away enough. More problems are showing up now and then. It doesn't matter, anyway. I think I could handle them finally in my process of growing up. Trust me. Trust you. Trust ourselves.

I really can't stand my parents,they always ask me to practice play the violin.Every time after school.I have to bring a coach to swim in a swimming pool,but others are just smiling on their way home.I find life is so boring,I'm so tired,I achieve nothing because I nether do well in
study nor take any interest in both of these two activities.I don't have my own time.Do you think it's time for me to give up all these that I hate?


  • 初三英语作文带翻译

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • this morning i went to the english corner which is in the park near my home. it is three years since it was founded. many middle school students as w


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