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all day is better
good day
happy day

《Have a nice day》

On a sunny afternoon, I want to be with my friends to his house to do as a person a day.I go home and play with him, his home there are a lot of things, multifarious. One to his house to play, I play tired to go home to eat something. Let's go and catch crabs. We came to a sump together near the catch crabs. Crabs not to come out, I found a rope fish it out, but it's just a clamped shut it off. The food for dinner, my friend's house, all kinds, chestnuts, crab, fish...

Then I felt the mountaineers, simplicity and enthusiasm.





A Nice day
Today is Saturday. I don't have to go to school, I can rest.
I get up at seven , I eat breakfast at half past seven. After breakfast, I do my homework. Then I go to the park to play badminton with my friend.
Return the home, just in time to catch lunch. I ate pasta, it is really delicious. After lunch, I nap for two hours. After wake up, I watched TV for a while. I eat dinner at five thirty.
After dinner, my family and I go for a walk. Scattered good step back home, and I take a shower.And I saw an hours book. Eight thirty, I sleep.
What a beautiful day!7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad94336


  • 美好的一天的英语作文

  • 158文章网作文欣赏
  • all day is bettergood dayhappy day美好的一天《Have a nice day》On a sunny afternoon, I want to be with my friends to his house to do as a person a day.I go h


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