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Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on.
As one of the most important sports in the world,basketball is more and more popular in china ,especially among teenagers.why is basketball so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the media,there are many TV programmes about basketball,such as the basketball park,the super weekend.they transported the value and the sport spirit of bake tall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with it.secondly ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both physical can mentally.nowadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the society ,you name it .under this condition ,the basketball serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketball court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry again.so that's one of the charming of the basketall。
I often play basketball with my classmates.We are a good team.Playing basketball is a good way to make friends.After all, we have common interests.Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.so my favourite hobby is play basketball.
e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d83334I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our health.As for me,I like playing basketball. You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so on.I aiways piay basketball in the morning and in the evening.Of course,''where there is a will,there is a way'',Not only my teachers but also my classmates are all pleasant with me.On the other hand,I am in good health.Because of that,I like basketball better than before.You also can see,when I am angry,I will piay basketball,then,I may be happy. I like playing basketball,what is your favorite sport?‍

In my summer vacation,I was very happy.Because I play basketball all the time. It keeps me fit.So I am in great shape. About basketball,I like it a lot, it is a very interesting sports. And it is exerciting.The basketball is popular in all countries nowadays, so there are a lot of big star of basketball, just like Kobe ,James,Wade and a lot of basket ball player. Most people fan them crazy.So I like playing basketball very much, and I playing basket very well. OK, that is all, so this is my favourite sports, thanks.




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