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Unconsciously, spring quietly came to our side, blowing warm spring blew, blown up the earth, green grass blowing, blowing red peach, blowing the ice river, let the water flowing.
I walked into the nature, to listen to the footsteps of spring, feel the breath of spring, enjoy the spring dance!
I set foot on the soft grass, breeze, the grass have swayed to keep curious eyes to enjoy the wonderful world. I'm not lovingly stroked by the bent grass, their color is so fresh and green, the fresh green spring - this is the most beautiful and colorful palette color!
With bursts of Feng Ming, I looked at several strains of stand gracefully erect peach, ah, a tender child, with a bright smile, really makes people like. See the peach branches, some qiuqu some slender, soft, and some emotion thrive. See the peach blossom, pink, rose red, there are red. The fragrance of peach flowers are different. Or dense or light, light makes people feel fresh, dense gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. At the beginning of each different, some to the children, red, white, like a small bell, as if a shy face. Some are the open, revealing a high gas, do not have a "proud frost erect, fluttering in the breeze" taste. Not far from the tree, there is a pool of water, the water clear bottomed out, a gentle breeze, blow the calm surface of the water ripples, the circle round halo, the birds twittering hovering above the surface of the water, a trial of strength the mirror like himself.
Spring is coming, spring is so beautiful! How to want to pull a few grass, pick a few peach, keep, keep the spring. But I cannot bear to destroy, this beautiful picture scroll, really love the spring, to be truly love this great spring, spring will be more beautiful tomorrow!





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