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Today I want to talk about travelling. Now many people become richer and richer. So they want to travel to many different places in the world. because they can try many new kinds of things and make many new friends. They also can get close to nature and have a good time. Though travelling is very interesting, we must be very careful, because there are some dangers. For example, if you are hiking you must watch our for dangerous animals, the weather and so on. So we must take good care of ourselves. As we know safety is the first. AT last I hope that you will be able to travel to many many places and have a wonderful time.

有点:1.对社会,带动当地的经济发展,流动人员多了,需求就多了,当地经济收入就增加了。For society ,It can promote the economicdevelopment ,take benefit for local tour spots.2.对个人,旅游既可以欣赏美景,也可以开阔视野,陶冶情操,增长见识。For personal ,it not only can view beautiful scenery but also can broden your eyes ,cultivate your spirits and widen your experience. 缺点:1.会给旅游景点带来环境污染和破坏。It will pollute and broke the environment of loca tour spots
I went to Hainan on vacation
Summer comes ,and the weather has become irritating.My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good relax.I thought about it for a while and agreed.Hainan is really a good place,where palm trees are abundant.We went to a park where we enjoyed cool palm drinks.We also went to visit the monkey island.The monkeys were really cute to look at.
After we came back from the travel,we found that our bodies have become stronger and healthier than before.My sister told me that she planned to travel again next year.
We really enjoyed this trip.We were very happy!



  • 关于旅游的英语作文

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