Saw a wonderful lion dance performances.
Afternoon, nearly four points when. My brother and I are on the table game homework. Suddenly, out came a burst of drums sound. Good sounding familiar, but can not remember. The side of the mother seems to know, "is the voice of the lion dance?" Mom went out. Went to the window, "really is a lion dance came." Her words are not falling, my brother and I ran out.
We came to the lion dance group next to it. I glanced lion dance group, only two dozen people. Some of them in the drums, some watching, some in the guides. Their clothes are yellow. I ran to keep up with the lion dance group. Only two lions, a red one yellow, red is a public, yellow or female, as a couple. They played out in the middle of the road, you next to me, I am next to you.
Gradually, people become increased, applause becomes multiplied. In a sea of people, I can not help but laugh together. I am afraid of being pushed back, quickly forced to squeeze, desperately crowded, and finally, I pushed my way to the front. I looked back. Ah, the man of the sea, there is a high and one low waves, there are different kinds of fish. That height order, That beautiful waves, the color of the man's clothes, colorful, just like the beautiful and different colors of fish. I looked forward, and that two beautiful lions playing in the crowd, performing it really realistic ah!e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb9365 That two lions like real lions, jump forward. Then the audience responded with warm applause to welcome the lion.
Then welcome the Lion Dance Troupe of firecrackers sounded lovemaking also came. That coupled with lively applause firecrackers, drums sound, three-one, was deafening. In a store front stopped. Here is probably the lion dance it! Really not what I expected. Two lions in front of this store performers danced together. Hop hop in front of the shop, as if for the New Year like a shopkeeper. Start wins something, and in this mall lintel hanged himself two oranges and a cabbage, hanging from a red envelope. Two lions looked at the bird Red Lion first step, suddenly erect, moment, Cook it Eat entrance with a red envelope, and then suddenly squatted on the ground, turned into a sit lion. For a while and it was beautiful wife on the ground walking, strutted in front of the audience. Then again, the audience responded with warm applause called "good." While that to a distant place, and that two lions began to go. Suddenly farewell Lion Dance firecrackers rang. As I am unfamiliar with the place, it is not with go.
耍龙灯,也称舞龙灯或龙舞。它的起源可以追溯上古时代。传说,早在黄帝时期,在一种《清角》的大型歌舞中,就出现过由人扮演的龙头鸟身的形象,其后又编排了六条蛟龙互相穿插的舞蹈场面。见于文字记载的龙舞,是汉代张衡的《西京赋》,作者在百戏的铺叙中对龙舞作了生动的描绘。而据《隋书·音乐志》记载,隋炀帝时类似百戏中龙舞表演的《黄龙变》也非常精彩,龙舞流行于我国很多地方。中华民族崇尚龙,把龙作为吉祥的象征。李时珍《本草纲目》说:“龙,其形有九:身似蛇,脸似马,角似鹿,眼似兔,耳似牛,腹似蜃,鳞似鲤,爪似鹰,掌似虎是也。“ 在古人的心目中,龙具有呼风唤雨、消灾除疫的功能,而我国自古即以农业立国,风调雨顺对于生产生活具有极为重要的意义,所以古人极力希冀得到龙的庇佑,由此形成了在祭祀时舞龙和在元宵节舞龙灯的习俗。宋代吴自牧《梦粱录》记载:元宵之夜,“以草缚成龙,用青幕遮草上,密置灯烛万盏,望之蜿蜒,如双龙飞走之状。“在长期的发展演变中,舞龙也形成了许多不同的样式,主要有龙灯、布龙等。龙灯也称“火龙“,这是流行最为广泛的一种龙舞。这种龙由篾竹扎成龙首、龙身、龙尾,上面糊纸,再画上色彩。龙身有许多节、节数可多可少;但必须是单数。每节中点燃蜡烛;有的地方不点蜡烛,而是用桐油、棉纱或灯草做成的“油捻“。这种油捻燃烧力很持久,龙灯舞动时五光十色,始终不会熄灭。下面装有供舞者手持的木柄.龙前还有一人手举红色绸珠指挥龙舞。如广东阳江的《鲤鱼化龙》,灵活奇巧,善于变幻,舞龙手身着可开可合的鲤鱼皮,观众起先看到的是一条条戏水之鱼,可随着明快的乐曲突然一变,鱼儿成龙,然后一条口中喷火的鲤鱼跃过龙身,象征“鲤鱼跳龙门“之意。布龙也称“彩龙“,主要在白天表演,节中不燃蜡烛,所以表演时腾飞欢跃,好似江海波翻浪涌,气势非凡雄伟,别有一功。舞龙时循势连贯表现巨龙盘旋欢腾,动作非常复杂。有的地方闹元宵,各路龙灯汇集竟达百余条,队伍长达二三华里。每条龙灯还伴有十番锣鼓,声闻十里,甚为壮观。在海外,至今仍有许多华人社团保留着耍龙灯的古老传统,常为当地节日赛会演出。